OGT Protein Interaction Network (OGT-PIN) is a comprehensive database of experimentally identified interacting proteins of OGT and its orthologues.
Unique identifier for interactor A. UniProt accession of OGT and orthologues (e.g., O15294 for human OGT).
Gene name for interactor A. Gene symbol of OGT and orthologues (e.g., SXC and SEC).
NCBI Taxonomy identifier for interactor B. Species of OGT and orthologues (e.g., SXC and SEC) used by authors in the original studies (e.g., Homo sapiens, Mus musculus, Rattus norvegicus, Drosophila melanogaster, Arabidopsis thaliana, and others).
Unique identifier for interactor B. UniProt accession of the interacting protein (e.g., O60502) of OGT and orthologues.
Gene name for interactor B. Gene symbol of the interacting protein (e.g., OGA) of OGT and orthologues.
Protein name for interactor B. Primary protein name of the interacting protein (e.g., Protein O-GlcNAcase) of OGT and orthologues.
Interaction detection method. Method(s) used for determining the interacting protein of OGT and orthologues.
PMID. The original publication # that identified the interacting protein of OGT and orthologues.
Analytical throughput. Low throughput; high throughput.
Source. Data source that compiled the interacting protein of OGT and orthologues. ('GUMC' denotes the dataset curated and compiled by the GUMC curation team after surveying O-GlcNAc-focused studies.)
Curator comments. Comments from curators for specific interacting proteins identified (e.g., 'Caution' denotes that validity of an entry might be lacking, as judged from description of methods used in the original study; according to the IMEx consortium curation manual_version 01/05/2015).
Meeting IMEx criteria. Proteins meeting the requirements recommended by the IMEx curation manual are labeled with 'Yes'.
High-stringency interactor. Proteins meeting more stringent rules are labeled with 'Yes', others are labeled with 'No'.
To start with OGT-PIN, you typically do the following:
Obtain the information of the protein(s) of your interest (i.e., UniProt accession and gene symbol).
Search with specific parameters (i.e., accession and gene symbol).
Depending on what you're looking for, it is recommended to narrow down the resulting list for items of your specific needs (e.g., interacting proteins in a specific species). To that end, the search results can be further filtered (by adding description in the ‘Search’ tab in the results list), enabling you to hide all unnecessary data and display only the specific information you need.
The results can be easily exported (as different formats) for your usage.
Pay attention to details. There is no spell checker, so please make sure the search terms are correct.
Don't worry about capitalization. A search for 'OGA' is the same as a search for 'oga'.