Details for Accession #: Q9Y6V0

Protein Sequence

Peptide Information

ID Peptide Seq Site Residue Position in Peptide Position in Protein
478 ITSNYEVIR T 2 3975
479 ITSNYEVIR S 3 3976
481 APFQYTEGYTTK T 10 3635
482 APFQYTEGYTTK T 11 3636
10009603 TAPVTTTSAVSK T 5 667
10009604 TAPVTTTSAVSK T 6 668
10009605 TAPVTTTSAVSK T 7 615
10009606 DAVTTLETTAVLR T 5 2461
10009607 SNGLPVTR T 7 2476
10009608 LVTSADYK T 3 2548
10009609 CIDLSASTMDVK S 7 2750
10009610 QITANEVYGK T 3 2759
10009611 AMTTPLQLTTSK S 11 2829
10009612 TVVTMDESTSSVMTK T 4 2911
10009613 SCTAQQPATTLPEDR T 10 2961
10009614 VTTGEVMDYSSK T 2 3031
10009615 VTTGEVMDYSSK T 3 3032
10009616 VTTGEVMDYSSK S 10 3039
10009617 VTTGEVMDYSSK S 11 3040
10009619 QVISGAGISTPQYSTAR S 14 2995
10009620 AITTQPGSIFSTTVR T 4 3105
10009621 APFQYTEGYTTK T 6 3700
10009622 QTTLYLEPK T 3 3967
10009623 ITSNYEVIR T 2 3975
10009624 ITSNYEVIR S 3 3907
10009626 SQEVTDFLAPLQSSSR T 5 4092
10009627 AAAGPLPPISADTR S 10 4385
10014163 RDSSSSSLRLK S 4313

O-GlcNAcylation Information

ID Method Analytical Throughput Ambiguity Species Sample Type Condition log2Ratio P Value Data Source PMID Comments
478 MS LTP ambiguous human brain (synaptosome) 20563614
479 MS LTP ambiguous human brain (synaptosome) 20563614
480 MS LTP ambiguous human brain (synaptosome) 20563614 This position assignment in the protein sequence seems problematic, which has not been curated
481 MS LTP ambiguous human brain (synaptosome) 20563614 This position assignment in the protein sequence seems problematic, which has not been curated
482 MS LTP ambiguous human brain (synaptosome) 20563614 This position assignment in the protein sequence seems problematic, which has not been curated
5225 MS HTP ambiguous human T cells 29351928 This position assignment in the protein sequence seems problematic, which has not been curated
10009603 MS HTP unambiguous human brain 28657654 This site was described as T613 of the protein sequence in the original paper
10009604 MS HTP unambiguous human brain 28657654 This site was described as T614 of the protein sequence in the original paper
10009605 MS HTP unambiguous human brain 28657654
10009606 MS HTP unambiguous human brain 28657654 This site was described as T2392 of the protein sequence in the original paper
10009607 MS HTP unambiguous human brain 28657654 This site was described as T2407 of the protein sequence in the original paper
10009608 MS HTP unambiguous human brain 28657654 This site was described as T2479 of the protein sequence in the original paper
10009609 MS HTP unambiguous human brain 28657654 This site was described as S2681 of the protein sequence in the original paper
10009610 MS HTP unambiguous human brain 28657654 This site was described as T2690 of the protein sequence in the original paper
10009611 MS HTP unambiguous human brain 28657654 This site was described as S2760 of the protein sequence in the original paper
10009612 MS HTP unambiguous human brain 28657654 This site was described as T2842 of the protein sequence in the original paper
10009613 MS HTP unambiguous human brain 28657654 This site was described as T2892 of the protein sequence in the original paper
10009614 MS HTP unambiguous human brain 28657654 This site was described as T2962 of the protein sequence in the original paper
10009615 MS HTP unambiguous human brain 28657654 This site was described as T2963 of the protein sequence in the original paper
10009616 MS HTP unambiguous human brain 28657654 This site was described as S2970 of the protein sequence in the original paper
10009617 MS HTP unambiguous human brain 28657654 This site was described as S2971 of the protein sequence in the original paper
10009618 MS HTP unambiguous human brain 28657654 This site was described as S2985 of the protein sequence in the original paper
10009619 MS HTP unambiguous human brain 28657654
10009620 MS HTP unambiguous human brain 28657654 This site was described as T3036 of the protein sequence in the original paper
10009621 MS HTP unambiguous human brain 28657654 This site was described as T3631 of the protein sequence in the original paper
10009622 MS HTP unambiguous human brain 28657654 This site was described as T3898 of the protein sequence in the original paper
10009623 MS HTP unambiguous human brain 28657654 This site was described as T3906 of the protein sequence in the original paper
10009624 MS HTP unambiguous human brain 28657654
10009625 MS HTP unambiguous human brain 28657654 This site was described as S3923 of the protein sequence in the original paper
10009626 MS HTP unambiguous human brain 28657654 This site was described as T4023 of the protein sequence in the original paper
10009627 MS HTP unambiguous human brain 28657654 This site was described as S4316 of the protein sequence in the original paper
10014163 MS HTP unambiguous human HeLa cells 30379171 This position assigment in the protein sequence seems problematic, which could not be curated
10014164 MS HTP unambiguous human HeLa cells 30379171 This position assigment in the protein sequence seems problematic, which could not be curated

ID Peptide Seq Site Residue Position in Peptide Position in Protein Method Analytical Throughput Ambiguity Species Sample Type Data Source PMID Comments
478 ITSNYEVIR T 2 3975 MS LTP ambiguous human brain (synaptosome) 20563614
479 ITSNYEVIR S 3 3976 MS LTP ambiguous human brain (synaptosome) 20563614
480 APFQYTEGYTTK T 6 3631 MS LTP ambiguous human brain (synaptosome) 20563614 This position assignment in the protein sequence seems problematic, which has not been curated
481 APFQYTEGYTTK T 10 3635 MS LTP ambiguous human brain (synaptosome) 20563614 This position assignment in the protein sequence seems problematic, which has not been curated
482 APFQYTEGYTTK T 11 3636 MS LTP ambiguous human brain (synaptosome) 20563614 This position assignment in the protein sequence seems problematic, which has not been curated
5225 QPPEADSLSKPAPPKEPSVPSEQDK S 685 MS HTP ambiguous human T cells 29351928 This position assignment in the protein sequence seems problematic, which has not been curated
10009603 TAPVTTTSAVSK T 5 667 MS HTP unambiguous human brain 28657654 This site was described as T613 of the protein sequence in the original paper
10009604 TAPVTTTSAVSK T 6 668 MS HTP unambiguous human brain 28657654 This site was described as T614 of the protein sequence in the original paper
10009605 TAPVTTTSAVSK T 7 615 MS HTP unambiguous human brain 28657654
10009606 DAVTTLETTAVLR T 5 2461 MS HTP unambiguous human brain 28657654 This site was described as T2392 of the protein sequence in the original paper
10009607 SNGLPVTR T 7 2476 MS HTP unambiguous human brain 28657654 This site was described as T2407 of the protein sequence in the original paper
10009608 LVTSADYK T 3 2548 MS HTP unambiguous human brain 28657654 This site was described as T2479 of the protein sequence in the original paper
10009609 CIDLSASTMDVK S 7 2750 MS HTP unambiguous human brain 28657654 This site was described as S2681 of the protein sequence in the original paper
10009610 QITANEVYGK T 3 2759 MS HTP unambiguous human brain 28657654 This site was described as T2690 of the protein sequence in the original paper
10009611 AMTTPLQLTTSK S 11 2829 MS HTP unambiguous human brain 28657654 This site was described as S2760 of the protein sequence in the original paper
10009612 TVVTMDESTSSVMTK T 4 2911 MS HTP unambiguous human brain 28657654 This site was described as T2842 of the protein sequence in the original paper
10009613 SCTAQQPATTLPEDR T 10 2961 MS HTP unambiguous human brain 28657654 This site was described as T2892 of the protein sequence in the original paper
10009614 VTTGEVMDYSSK T 2 3031 MS HTP unambiguous human brain 28657654 This site was described as T2962 of the protein sequence in the original paper
10009615 VTTGEVMDYSSK T 3 3032 MS HTP unambiguous human brain 28657654 This site was described as T2963 of the protein sequence in the original paper
10009616 VTTGEVMDYSSK S 10 3039 MS HTP unambiguous human brain 28657654 This site was described as S2970 of the protein sequence in the original paper
10009617 VTTGEVMDYSSK S 11 3040 MS HTP unambiguous human brain 28657654 This site was described as S2971 of the protein sequence in the original paper
10009618 QVISGAGISTPQYSTAR S 4 3054 MS HTP unambiguous human brain 28657654 This site was described as S2985 of the protein sequence in the original paper
10009619 QVISGAGISTPQYSTAR S 14 2995 MS HTP unambiguous human brain 28657654
10009620 AITTQPGSIFSTTVR T 4 3105 MS HTP unambiguous human brain 28657654 This site was described as T3036 of the protein sequence in the original paper
10009621 APFQYTEGYTTK T 6 3700 MS HTP unambiguous human brain 28657654 This site was described as T3631 of the protein sequence in the original paper
10009622 QTTLYLEPK T 3 3967 MS HTP unambiguous human brain 28657654 This site was described as T3898 of the protein sequence in the original paper
10009623 ITSNYEVIR T 2 3975 MS HTP unambiguous human brain 28657654 This site was described as T3906 of the protein sequence in the original paper
10009624 ITSNYEVIR S 3 3907 MS HTP unambiguous human brain 28657654
10009625 NQPLMIAPVSTDNTFAVSHLGSK S 10 3992 MS HTP unambiguous human brain 28657654 This site was described as S3923 of the protein sequence in the original paper
10009626 SQEVTDFLAPLQSSSR T 5 4092 MS HTP unambiguous human brain 28657654 This site was described as T4023 of the protein sequence in the original paper
10009627 AAAGPLPPISADTR S 10 4385 MS HTP unambiguous human brain 28657654 This site was described as S4316 of the protein sequence in the original paper
10014163 RDSSSSSLRLK S 4313 MS HTP unambiguous human HeLa cells 30379171 This position assigment in the protein sequence seems problematic, which could not be curated
10014164 DYMSDSEVSSTRPTR T 3845 MS HTP unambiguous human HeLa cells 30379171 This position assigment in the protein sequence seems problematic, which could not be curated