ID | Peptide Seq | Site Residue | Position in Peptide | Position in Protein |
377 | SCTAQQPATTLPEDR | T | 9 | 2859 |
378 | SCTAQQPATTLPEDR | T | 10 | 2860 |
379 | SPSGGLPVSTHPSK | S | 1 | 2276 |
380 | SPSGGLPVSTHPSK | S | 3 | 2278 |
381 | SPSGGLPVSTHPSK | S | 9 | 2284 |
382 | SPSGGLPVSTHPSK | T | 10 | 2285 |
383 | SPSGGLPVSTHPSK | S | 13 | 2288 |
384 | QVISGISTPQYSTAR | T | 13 | 2961 |
385 | NAFDYSGGTEAAVDLTSGR | S | 6 | 2915 |
386 | NAFDYSGGTEAAVDLTSGR | T | 9 | 2918 |
387 | NAFDYSGGTEAAVDLTSGR | T | 16 | 2925 |
388 | NAFDYSGGTEAAVDLTSGR | S | 17 | 2926 |
389 | SVSIPIPPEPLALDR | S | 1 | 2595 |
390 | SVSIPIPPEPLALDR | S | 3 | 2597 |
835 | VSTGEVMDYSSKTTGPYPETR | S | 2 | 2930 |
933 | VSTGEVMDYSSKTTGPYPETR | S | 10 | 2938 |
1079 | VSTGEVMDYSSKTTGPYPETR | T | 3 | 2931 |
9999 | NAFDYSGGTEAAVDLTSGR | S | 6 | 2945 |
10000 | VSTGEVMDYSSK | S | 10 | 2968 |
10001 | QVISGVGISTPQYSTAR | T | 15 | 2994 |
10009 | SQEVTDFLAPLQTSSR | T | 13 | 4028 |
10010 | SQEVTDFLAPLQTSSR | S | 14 | 4029 |
10011 | AQEAEALDVSFGHSSSSAR | S | 16 | 4261 |
10012 | AQEAEALDVSFGHSSSSAR | S | 17 | 4262 |
11393 | SVSIPIPPEPLALDR | S | 1 | 2626 |
10005727 | QTTANEVYR | T | 2 | 2686 |
10005728 | TTGPYPETR | T | 8 | 2948 |
10005729 | VSTGEVMDYSSK | S | 2 | 2960 |
10006328 | TIPKSEVKVTEK | S | 5 | 2664 |
10006329 | TIPKSEVKVTEK | T | 10 | 2669 |
10006330 | QTTANEVYRR | T | 2 | 2686 |
10006331 | VSTGEVMDYSSK | S | 2 | 2960 |
10006332 | TTGPYPETRQVISGVGISTPQYSTAR | T | 8 | 2948 |
10006333 | ITSTYEVIR | T | 2 | 3873 |
10006879 | KLPFGRSCTAQQP | S | 2851 | |
10006880 | LTSGRVSTGEVMD | S | 2930 | |
10006881 | TTDAITSLSALHQ | S | 7 | 3028 |
10006882 | LEPKITSTYEVIR | S | 3874 | |
10006883 | LMIAPVSTDNTYA | S | 3890 | |
10006884 | GGLPVSTHPSKSH | T | 2285 | |
10006885 | AAPVAPTAIVTAH | T | 2352 | |
10006886 | APTAIVTAHADAI | T | 2356 | |
10006887 | HADAIPTVEATAA | T | 2364 | |
10006888 | MSLNLVTSADYKL | T | 2451 | |
10006889 | TSKSHRTVVTMDE | T | 2806 | |
10006890 | TAQQPATTLPEDR | T | 2859 | |
10006891 | AQQPATTLPEDRF | T | 2860 | |
10006892 | FDYSGGTEAAVDL | T | 2918 | |
10006893 | MDYSSKTTGPYPE | T | 2941 | |
10006894 | DYSSKTTGPYPET | T | 2942 | |
10006895 | LSGIHTTDAITSL | T | 3023 | |
10006896 | YLEPKITSTYEVI | T | 7 | 3873 |
10006897 | MIAPVSTDNTYAV | T | 3891 | |
10007078 | LQAPPTSAAQAPA | S | 488 | |
10007079 | AELTKISLPETGL | S | 2238 | |
10007080 | SGGLPVSTHPSKS | S | 2284 | |
10007081 | PSVAPRSVSIPIP | S | 2596 | |
10007082 | TMDESTSNVVTKI | S | 2815 | |
10007083 | EVMDYSSKTTGPY | S | 2939 | |
10007084 | ETRQVISGVGIST | S | 2953 | |
10007085 | ISGVGISTPQYST | S | 2958 | |
10007086 | ISTPQYSTARMTP | S | 2963 | |
10007087 | ASSPISSISADSF | S | 3926 | |
10007088 | EADKPYSSGSRSR | S | 4182 | |
10007089 | GPLPPISADTRDQ | S | 4283 | |
10007090 | AHSGPTSAGSSSV | S | 4554 | |
10007091 | QAQAQVTTAPPLK | T | 7 | 703 |
10007092 | VPEIPVTTQKTTD | T | 2425 | |
10007093 | KSEVKVTEKCMDL | T | 2639 | |
10007094 | MDVKRQTTANEVY | T | 2656 | |
10007095 | SHRTVVTMDESTS | T | 2809 | |
10007096 | DLSGIHTTDAITS | T | 3022 | |
10007097 | DSEVSSTRPSRVE | T | 3740 | |
10007148 | SKPAILSSQVQAQ | S | 693 | |
10007149 | TGLPLTSNMSLNL | S | 2443 | |
10007150 | PLTSNMSLNLVTS | S | 2446 | |
10007151 | TTVRDLSGIHTTD | S | 3018 | |
10007152 | KGTAALSSAFSLH | S | 7 | 3961 |
10007153 | TGPYPETRQVISG | T | 7 | 2948 |
10007200 | LPTAVSLYSPTDEQSVMQK | S | 6 | 1826 |
10007201 | NAFDYSGGTEAAVDLTSGR | T | 9 | 2948 |
10007202 | RQTTANEVYR | T | 3 | 2686 |
10007203 | ITSTYEVIR | S | 3 | 3904 |
10007204 | SCTAQQPATTLPEDR | T | 9 | 2889 |
10007205 | QVISGVGISTPQYSTAR | S | 9 | 2988 |
10007206 | RSQEVTDFLAPLQTSSR | S | 2 | 4016 |
10007207 | QAPPPSQTLAAQGPPK | T | 8 | 911 |
10007208 | VSTGEVMDYSSKTTGPYPETR | T | 14 | 2972 |
10007350 | QVISGVGISTPQYSTAR | S | 14 | 2993 |
10007351 | VSTGEVMDYSSK | S | 2 | 2960 |
10007352 | GTAALSSAFSLHEK | S | 6 | 3961 |
10007353 | RQTTANEVYR | T | 4 | 2687 |
10007354 | KRPTPLEIGYSSSHLR | S | 11 | 3530 |
10007355 | FMGSSLGSGLGTLGNTIR | S | 5 | 4187 |
10007356 | GIGGMKPSMSDTNLAEAGHFFYK | S | 10 | 2924 |
10007501 | QISAVQPSIINLSAASSLGTPVTMDSK | T | 23 | 2687 |
10007502 | NQPLMIAPVSTDNTYAVSHLGSK | S | 10 | 3920 |
10007503 | TKPTSLPISQSR | S | 9 | 4273 |
10007504 | NQPLMIAPVSTDNTYAVSHLGSK | T | 11 | 3921 |
10007505 | ITSTYEVIR | T | 2 | 3873 |
10007506 | AAAGPLPPISADTR | S | 10 | 4313 |
10007507 | SPSGGLPVSTHPSK | T | 10 | 2315 |
10007508 | LLRTTETR | T | 4 | 4010 |
10007509 | VSTGEVMDYSSKTTGPYPETR | T | 13 | 2970 |
10007624 | LPSPTSPLSPHSNK | T | 5 | 2491 |
10007625 | EQPGSPHSVSGEILGQEKPTYR | S | 8 | 2291 |
10007626 | QVISGVGISTPQYSTAR | S | 4 | 2983 |
10007627 | GTAALSSAFSLHEK | S | 10 | 3995 |
10007628 | SQPTTPQETVTGK | S | 1 | 856 |
10007629 | NQPLMIAPVSTDNTYAVSHLGSK | S | 22 | 3932 |
10007630 | NQPLMIAPVSTDNTYAVSHLGSK | T | 14 | 3894 |
10007631 | SCTAQQPATTLPEDR | S | 1 | 2881 |
10007781 | TVVTMDESTSNVVTK | T | 4 | 2839 |
10007782 | NYVLIDDIGDITK | T | 12 | 3984 |
10007784 | GTAALSSAFSLHEK | T | 2 | 3987 |
10007786 | EQPGSPHSVSGEISGQEKPTYR | S | 8 | 2291 |
10007787 | SCTAQQPATTLPEDR | T | 10 | 2890 |
10007788 | MSKFSPIQESR | S | 2 | 4129 |
10007789 | AYLQGVAEDRDYMSDSEVSSTRPSR | S | 24 | 3773 |
10007790 | VSLQQSPLVMSSVVEK | S | 2 | 4530 |
10007923 | KPSSQAFPMIR | S | 4 | 2769 |
10007924 | VSTGEVMDYSSK | S | 11 | 2969 |
10007926 | TTGPYPETR | T | 8 | 2948 |
10007927 | DLSGIHTTDAITSLSALHQSQPMPR | S | 15 | 3060 |
10007928 | TKPTSLPISQSR | T | 1 | 4265 |
10008079 | DLSGIHTTDAITSLSALHQSQPMPR | T | 8 | 3053 |
10008081 | APFQYSEGFTAK | S | 6 | 3630 |
10008082 | SPSGGLPVSTHPSK | S | 9 | 2314 |
10008083 | RSQEVTDFLAPLQTSSR | T | 6 | 4020 |
10008213 | QVISGVGISTPQYSTAR | T | 10 | 2989 |
10008215 | ISLPETGLAPTPSSQTK | S | 2 | 2268 |
10008216 | GIGGMKPSMSDTNLAEAGHFFYK | S | 8 | 2922 |
10008217 | SSMASSPISSISADSFYADIDHHTSR | S | 10 | 3956 |
10008218 | FMGSSLGSGLGTLGNTIR | T | 12 | 4194 |
10018774 | ISLPETGLAPTPSSQTK | S | 2 | 2268 |
10018775 | EQPGSPHSVSGEILGQEKPTYR | S | 8 | 2291 |
10018776 | SPSGGLPVSTHPSK | T | 10 | 2315 |
10018780 | SVSIPIPPEPLALDR | S | 1 | 2626 |
10018781 | QTTANEVYR | T | 3 | 2687 |
10018782 | QISAVQPSIINLSAASSLGTPVTMDSK | T | 20 | 2714 |
10018783 | KPSSQAFPMIR | S | 4 | 2769 |
10018784 | TVVTMDESTSNVVTK | T | 4 | 2839 |
10018785 | TVVTMDESTSNVVTK | S | 8 | 2843 |
10018786 | TVVTMDESTSNVVTK | T | 14 | 2849 |
10018787 | SCTAQQPATTLPEDR | S | 1 | 2881 |
10018788 | SCTAQQPATTLPEDR | T | 9 | 2889 |
10018789 | SCTAQQPATTLPEDR | T | 10 | 2890 |
10018790 | GIGGMKPSMSDTNLAEAGHFFYK | S | 8 | 2922 |
10018791 | NAFDYSGGTEAAVDLTSGR | T | 9 | 2948 |
10018792 | VSTGEVMDYSSK | S | 2 | 2960 |
10018793 | VSTGEVMDYSSK | S | 11 | 2969 |
10018794 | TTGPYPETR | T | 1 | 2971 |
10018795 | TTGPYPETR | T | 2 | 2972 |
10018796 | TTGPYPETR | T | 8 | 2978 |
10018797 | QVISGVGISTPQYSTAR | S | 4 | 2983 |
10018798 | QVISGVGISTPQYSTAR | S | 9 | 2988 |
10018799 | QVISGVGISTPQYSTAR | S | 14 | 2993 |
10018800 | YGDSTAEGDKTKPPSK | T | 11 | 3436 |
10018801 | TLPNPPPEEASTGTQSTYSTMGTASR | T | 1 | 3651 |
10018802 | DYMSDSEVSSTRPSR | T | 11 | 3770 |
10018803 | QTTLYLEPK | T | 3 | 3895 |
10018804 | NQPLMIAPVSTDNTYAVSHLGSK | S | 10 | 3920 |
10018805 | SSMASSPISSISADSFYADIDHHTSR | S | 2 | 3948 |
10018806 | SSMASSPISSISADSFYADIDHHTSR | S | 10 | 3956 |
10018807 | NYVLIDDIGDITK | T | 12 | 3984 |
10018808 | SQEVTDFLAPLQTSSR | T | 5 | 4020 |
10018809 | DLEPDYPTYLSSSTSSIGGISSR | S | 13 | 4151 |
10018810 | DLEPDYPTYLSSSTSSIGGISSR | T | 14 | 4152 |
10018811 | DLEPDYPTYLSSSTSSIGGISSR | S | 15 | 4153 |
10018812 | TKPTSLPISQSR | T | 1 | 4265 |
10018813 | AAAGPLPPISADTR | S | 10 | 4313 |
10018814 | TSVAQTHLEDAGAAIAAAEAAVQQLR | S | 2 | 4831 |
10018815 | SQPTTPQETVTGK | S | 1 | 856 |
10018816 | SQPTTPQETVTGK | T | 9 | 864 |
10021603 | SPSGGLPVSTHPSK | S | 9 | 2314 |
10021607 | QISAVQPSIINLSAASSLGTPVTMDSK | S | 17 | 2711 |
10021608 | QISAVQPSIINLSAASSLGTPVTMDSK | T | 23 | 2717 |
10021609 | QISAVQPSIINLSAASSLGTPVTMDSK | S | 13 | 2707 |
10021610 | QISAVQPSIINLSAASSLGTPVTMDSK | T | 20 | 2714 |
10021611 | QISAVQPSIINLSAASSLGTPVTMDSK | S | 16 | 2710 |
10021612 | DEAPINLSLGPSTQAVTLAVTK | T | 17 | 2793 |
10021613 | TVVTMDESTSNVVTK | T | 4 | 2839 |
10021614 | TVVTMDESTSNVVTK | T | 9 | 2844 |
10021615 | QVISGVGISTPQYSTAR | T | 10 | 2989 |
10021620 | DLSGIHTTDAITSLSALHQSQPMPR | T | 7 | 3052 |
10021621 | DLSGIHTTDAITSLSALHQSQPMPR | T | 8 | 3053 |
10021622 | DLSGIHTTDAITSLSALHQSQPMPR | S | 13 | 3058 |
10021623 | DLSGIHTTDAITSLSALHQSQPMPR | S | 20 | 3065 |
10021624 | ITSTYEVIR | S | 3 | 3904 |
10021625 | ITSTYEVIR | T | 2 | 3903 |
10021701 | PAVPEIPVTTQK | T | 9 | 2455 |
10021702 | PAVPEIPVTTQK | T | 10 | 2456 |
10021703 | PTGLPLTSNMSLNLVTSADYK | T | 16 | 2481 |
10021704 | PTGLPLTSNMSLNLVTSADYK | S | 17 | 2482 |
10021709 | TVVTMDESTSNVVTK | T | 1 | 2836 |
10021710 | QTTLYLEPKITSTYEVIR | T | 11 | 3903 |
10021711 | NQPLMIAPVSTDNTYAVSHLGSK | S | 10 | 3920 |
10021712 | NQPLMIAPVSTDNTYAVSHLGSK | T | 14 | 3924 |
10021713 | AQEAEALDVSFGHSSSSAR | S | 10 | 4255 |
10021789 | PTGLPLTSNMSLNLVTSADYK | T | 7 | 2472 |
10021790 | DEAPINLSLGPSTQAVTLAVTK | S | 12 | 2788 |
10021791 | TVVTMDESTSNVVTK | T | 14 | 2849 |
10021792 | TVVTMDESTSNVVTK | S | 8 | 2843 |
10021793 | DLSGIHTTDAITSLSALHQSQPMPR | S | 3 | 3048 |
10021794 | DLSGIHTTDAITSLSALHQSQPMPR | T | 12 | 3057 |
10021795 | SQEVTDFLAPLQTSSR | T | 13 | 4028 |
10021872 | PSSVYGLDLSIK | S | 2 | 4224 |
10021968 | SQPTTPQETVTGK | T | 9 | 864 |
10021969 | QAPPPSQTLAAQGPPK | T | 8 | 911 |
10021970 | PTGLPLTSNMSLNLVTSADYK | S | 11 | 2476 |
10021971 | QTTANEVYR | T | 2 | 2686 |
10021972 | QTTANEVYR | T | 3 | 2687 |
10021973 | SCTAQQPATTLPEDR | S | 1 | 2881 |
10021974 | SCTAQQPATTLPEDR | T | 3 | 2883 |
10021975 | SCTAQQPATTLPEDR | T | 9 | 2889 |
10021977 | QTTLYLEPK | T | 3 | 3895 |
10022029 | SCTAQQPATTLPEDR | T | 10 | 2890 |
10022030 | TTGPYPETR | T | 8 | 2978 |
10022031 | DLSGIHTTDAITSLSALHQSQPMPR | S | 15 | 3060 |
10022032 | TLPNPPPEEASTGTQSTYSTMGTASR | T | 1 | 3651 |
10022033 | ITSTYEVIR | T | 4 | 3905 |
10022034 | NQPLMIAPVSTDNTYAVSHLGSK | T | 11 | 3921 |
10022104 | LPTAVSLYSPTDEQSVMQK | S | 6 | 1826 |
10022105 | VSTGEVMDYSSKTTGPYPETR | S | 2 | 2960 |
10022106 | VSTGEVMDYSSKTTGPYPETR | T | 13 | 2971 |
10022107 | VSTGEVMDYSSKTTGPYPETR | T | 14 | 2972 |
10022108 | VSTGEVMDYSSKTTGPYPETR | T | 20 | 2978 |
10022109 | TTGPYPETR | T | 1 | 2971 |
10022159 | NAFDYSGGTEAAVDLTSGR | T | 9 | 2948 |
10022160 | NAFDYSGGTEAAVDLTSGR | T | 16 | 2955 |
10022210 | SPSGGLPVSTHPSK | T | 10 | 2315 |
10022211 | GIGGMKPSMSDTNLAEAGHFFYK | S | 8 | 2922 |
10022213 | GTESLDHLAGLSHYYHADTSYR | S | 12 | 4074 |
10022313 | DEAPINLSLGPSTQAVTLAVTK | T | 21 | 2797 |
10022314 | GTESLDHLAGLSHYYHADTSYR | T | 19 | 4081 |
10022363 | TIELNSTVTDK | T | 7 | 1610 |
10023295 | PSMSDTNLAEAGHFFYK | S | 5 | 2924 |
10023296 | NQPLMIAPVSTDNTYAVSHLGSK | S | 11 | 3920 |
10023297 | QISAVQPSIINLSAASSLGTPVTMDSK | T | 20 | 2717 |
ID | Method | Analytical Throughput | Ambiguity | Species | Sample Type | Condition | log2Ratio | P Value | Data Source PMID | Comments |
377 | MS | HTP | ambiguous | mouse | brain | 16452088 | This position assignment in the protein sequence seems problematic, which has not been curated | |||
378 | MS | HTP | ambiguous | mouse | brain | 16452088 | This position assignment in the protein sequence seems problematic, which has not been curated | |||
379 | MS | HTP | ambiguous | mouse | brain | 16452088 | This position assignment in the protein sequence seems problematic, which has not been curated | |||
380 | MS | HTP | ambiguous | mouse | brain | 16452088 | This position assignment in the protein sequence seems problematic, which has not been curated | |||
381 | MS | HTP | ambiguous | mouse | brain | 16452088 | This position assignment in the protein sequence seems problematic, which has not been curated | |||
382 | MS | HTP | ambiguous | mouse | brain | 16452088 | This position assignment in the protein sequence seems problematic, which has not been curated | |||
383 | MS | HTP | ambiguous | mouse | brain | 16452088 | ||||
384 | MS | HTP | ambiguous | mouse | brain | 16452088 | ||||
385 | MS | HTP | ambiguous | mouse | brain | 16452088 | This position assignment in the protein sequence seems problematic, which has not been curated | |||
386 | MS | HTP | ambiguous | mouse | brain | 16452088 | This position assignment in the protein sequence seems problematic, which has not been curated | |||
387 | MS | HTP | ambiguous | mouse | brain | 16452088 | This position assignment in the protein sequence seems problematic, which has not been curated | |||
388 | MS | HTP | ambiguous | mouse | brain | 16452088 | This position assignment in the protein sequence seems problematic, which has not been curated | |||
389 | MS | HTP | ambiguous | mouse | brain | 16452088 | This position assignment in the protein sequence seems problematic, which has not been curated | |||
390 | MS | HTP | ambiguous | mouse | brain | 16452088 | This position assignment in the protein sequence seems problematic, which has not been curated | |||
391 | MS | HTP | ambiguous | mouse | brain | 16452088 | This position assignment in the protein sequence seems problematic, which has not been curated | |||
392 | MS | HTP | ambiguous | mouse | brain | 16452088 | This position assignment in the protein sequence seems problematic, which has not been curated | |||
393 | MS | HTP | ambiguous | mouse | brain | 16452088 | This position assignment in the protein sequence seems problematic, which has not been curated | |||
394 | MS | HTP | ambiguous | mouse | brain | 16452088 | This position assignment in the protein sequence seems problematic, which has not been curated | |||
395 | MS | HTP | ambiguous | mouse | brain | 16452088 | ||||
396 | MS | HTP | ambiguous | mouse | brain | 16452088 | This position assignment in the protein sequence seems problematic, which has not been curated | |||
397 | MS | HTP | ambiguous | mouse | brain | 16452088 | This position assignment in the protein sequence seems problematic, which has not been curated | |||
834 | MS | HTP | ambiguous | mouse | brain (synaptosome) | 22645316 | This position assignment in the protein sequence seems problematic, which has not been curated | |||
835 | MS | HTP | ambiguous | mouse | brain (synaptosome) | 22645316 | This position assignment in the protein sequence seems problematic, which has not been curated | |||
905 | MS | HTP | ambiguous | mouse | brain (synaptosome) | 22645316 | ||||
906 | MS | HTP | ambiguous | mouse | brain (synaptosome) | 22645316 | This position assignment in the protein sequence seems problematic, which has not been curated | |||
933 | MS | HTP | ambiguous | mouse | brain (synaptosome) | 22645316 | ||||
934 | MS | HTP | ambiguous | mouse | brain (synaptosome) | 22645316 | This position assignment in the protein sequence seems problematic, which has not been curated | |||
981 | MS | HTP | ambiguous | mouse | brain (synaptosome) | 22645316 | This position assignment in the protein sequence seems problematic, which has not been curated | |||
1008 | MS | HTP | ambiguous | mouse | brain (synaptosome) | 22645316 | This position assignment in the protein sequence seems problematic, which has not been curated | |||
1009 | MS | HTP | ambiguous | mouse | brain (synaptosome) | 22645316 | ||||
1010 | MS | HTP | ambiguous | mouse | brain (synaptosome) | 22645316 | This position assignment in the protein sequence seems problematic, which has not been curated | |||
1011 | MS | HTP | ambiguous | mouse | brain (synaptosome) | 22645316 | This position assignment in the protein sequence seems problematic, which has not been curated | |||
1052 | MS | HTP | ambiguous | mouse | brain (synaptosome) | 22645316 | This position assignment in the protein sequence seems problematic, which has not been curated | |||
1079 | MS | HTP | ambiguous | mouse | brain (synaptosome) | 22645316 | This position assignment in the protein sequence seems problematic, which has not been curated | |||
9986 | MS | HTP | ambiguous | mouse | hippocampus | 32848054 | ||||
9987 | MS | HTP | ambiguous | mouse | hippocampus | 32848054 | ||||
9988 | MS | HTP | ambiguous | mouse | hippocampus | 32848054 | ||||
9989 | MS | HTP | ambiguous | mouse | hippocampus | 32848054 | ||||
9990 | MS | HTP | ambiguous | mouse | hippocampus | 32848054 | ||||
9991 | MS | HTP | ambiguous | mouse | hippocampus | 32848054 | ||||
9992 | MS | HTP | ambiguous | mouse | hippocampus | 32848054 | ||||
9993 | MS | HTP | ambiguous | mouse | hippocampus | 32848054 | ||||
9994 | MS | HTP | ambiguous | mouse | hippocampus | 32848054 | ||||
9995 | MS | HTP | ambiguous | mouse | hippocampus | 32848054 | ||||
9996 | MS | HTP | ambiguous | mouse | hippocampus | 32848054 | ||||
9997 | MS | HTP | ambiguous | mouse | hippocampus | 32848054 | ||||
9998 | MS | HTP | ambiguous | mouse | hippocampus | 32848054 | ||||
9999 | MS | HTP | ambiguous | mouse | hippocampus | 32848054 | ||||
10000 | MS | HTP | ambiguous | mouse | hippocampus | 32848054 | ||||
10001 | MS | HTP | ambiguous | mouse | hippocampus | 32848054 | ||||
10002 | MS | HTP | ambiguous | mouse | hippocampus | 32848054 | ||||
10003 | MS | HTP | ambiguous | mouse | hippocampus | 32848054 | ||||
10004 | MS | HTP | ambiguous | mouse | hippocampus | 32848054 | ||||
10005 | MS | HTP | ambiguous | mouse | hippocampus | 32848054 | ||||
10006 | MS | HTP | ambiguous | mouse | hippocampus | 32848054 | ||||
10007 | MS | HTP | ambiguous | mouse | hippocampus | 32848054 | ||||
10008 | MS | HTP | ambiguous | mouse | hippocampus | 32848054 | ||||
10009 | MS | HTP | ambiguous | mouse | hippocampus | 32848054 | ||||
10010 | MS | HTP | ambiguous | mouse | hippocampus | 32848054 | ||||
10011 | MS | HTP | ambiguous | mouse | hippocampus | 32848054 | ||||
10012 | MS | HTP | ambiguous | mouse | hippocampus | 32848054 | ||||
10013 | MS | HTP | ambiguous | mouse | hippocampus | 32848054 | ||||
10014 | MS | HTP | ambiguous | mouse | hippocampus | 32848054 | ||||
11393 | MS | HTP | ambiguous | mouse | brain | 26192747 | ||||
10005727 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain | 16452088 | This site was described as T2656 of the protein sequence in the original paper | |||
10005728 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain | 16452088 | ||||
10005729 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain | 16452088 | This site was described as S2930 of the protein sequence in the original paper | |||
10006328 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain | 19458039 | This site was described as S2634 in the original paper | |||
10006329 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain | 19458039 | This site was described as T2639 in the original paper | |||
10006330 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain | 19458039 | This site was described as T2656 in the original paper | |||
10006331 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain | 19458039 | This site was described as S2630 in the original paper | |||
10006332 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain | 19458039 | ||||
10006333 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain | 19458039 | ||||
10006407 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain | 21158410 | This site was described as T2356 of the protein sequence in the original paper | |||
10006879 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain | 22517741 | This position assigment in the protein sequence seems problematic, which could not be curated | |||
10006880 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain | 22517741 | This position assigment in the protein sequence seems problematic, which could not be curated | |||
10006881 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain | 22517741 | ||||
10006882 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain | 22517741 | This position assigment in the protein sequence seems problematic, which could not be curated | |||
10006883 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain | 22517741 | This position assigment in the protein sequence seems problematic, which could not be curated | |||
10006884 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain | 22517741 | This position assigment in the protein sequence seems problematic, which could not be curated | |||
10006885 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain | 22517741 | This position assigment in the protein sequence seems problematic, which could not be curated | |||
10006886 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain | 22517741 | This position assigment in the protein sequence seems problematic, which could not be curated | |||
10006887 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain | 22517741 | This position assigment in the protein sequence seems problematic, which could not be curated | |||
10006888 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain | 22517741 | This position assigment in the protein sequence seems problematic, which could not be curated | |||
10006889 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain | 22517741 | This position assigment in the protein sequence seems problematic, which could not be curated | |||
10006890 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain | 22517741 | This position assigment in the protein sequence seems problematic, which could not be curated | |||
10006891 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain | 22517741 | This position assigment in the protein sequence seems problematic, which could not be curated | |||
10006892 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain | 22517741 | This position assigment in the protein sequence seems problematic, which could not be curated | |||
10006893 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain | 22517741 | This position assigment in the protein sequence seems problematic, which could not be curated | |||
10006894 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain | 22517741 | This position assigment in the protein sequence seems problematic, which could not be curated | |||
10006895 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain | 22517741 | This position assigment in the protein sequence seems problematic, which could not be curated | |||
10006896 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain | 22517741 | ||||
10006897 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain | 22517741 | This position assigment in the protein sequence seems problematic, which could not be curated | |||
10007078 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain | 22517741 | This position assigment in the protein sequence seems problematic, which could not be curated | |||
10007079 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain | 22517741 | This position assigment in the protein sequence seems problematic, which could not be curated | |||
10007080 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain | 22517741 | This position assigment in the protein sequence seems problematic, which could not be curated | |||
10007081 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain | 22517741 | This position assigment in the protein sequence seems problematic, which could not be curated | |||
10007082 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain | 22517741 | This position assigment in the protein sequence seems problematic, which could not be curated | |||
10007083 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain | 22517741 | This position assigment in the protein sequence seems problematic, which could not be curated | |||
10007084 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain | 22517741 | This position assigment in the protein sequence seems problematic, which could not be curated | |||
10007085 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain | 22517741 | This position assigment in the protein sequence seems problematic, which could not be curated | |||
10007086 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain | 22517741 | This position assigment in the protein sequence seems problematic, which could not be curated | |||
10007087 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain | 22517741 | This position assigment in the protein sequence seems problematic, which could not be curated | |||
10007088 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain | 22517741 | This position assigment in the protein sequence seems problematic, which could not be curated | |||
10007089 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain | 22517741 | This position assigment in the protein sequence seems problematic, which could not be curated | |||
10007090 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain | 22517741 | This position assigment in the protein sequence seems problematic, which could not be curated | |||
10007091 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain | 22517741 | ||||
10007092 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain | 22517741 | This position assigment in the protein sequence seems problematic, which could not be curated | |||
10007093 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain | 22517741 | This position assigment in the protein sequence seems problematic, which could not be curated | |||
10007094 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain | 22517741 | This position assigment in the protein sequence seems problematic, which could not be curated | |||
10007095 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain | 22517741 | This position assigment in the protein sequence seems problematic, which could not be curated | |||
10007096 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain | 22517741 | This position assigment in the protein sequence seems problematic, which could not be curated | |||
10007097 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain | 22517741 | This position assigment in the protein sequence seems problematic, which could not be curated | |||
10007148 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain | 22517741 | This position assigment in the protein sequence seems problematic, which could not be curated | |||
10007149 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain | 22517741 | This position assigment in the protein sequence seems problematic, which could not be curated | |||
10007150 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain | 22517741 | This position assigment in the protein sequence seems problematic, which could not be curated | |||
10007151 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain | 22517741 | This position assigment in the protein sequence seems problematic, which could not be curated | |||
10007152 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain | 22517741 | ||||
10007153 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain | 22517741 | ||||
10007200 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain (synaptosome) | 22645316 | This site was described as S1796 of the protein sequence in the original paper | |||
10007201 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain (synaptosome) | 22645316 | This site was described as T2918 of the protein sequence in the original paper | |||
10007202 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain (synaptosome) | 22645316 | This site was described as T2656 of the protein sequence in the original paper | |||
10007203 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain (synaptosome) | 22645316 | This site was described as S3874 of the protein sequence in the original paper | |||
10007204 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain (synaptosome) | 22645316 | This site was described as T2859 of the protein sequence in the original paper | |||
10007205 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain (synaptosome) | 22645316 | This site was described as S2958 of the protein sequence in the original paper | |||
10007206 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain (synaptosome) | 22645316 | This site was described as S3986 of the protein sequence in the original paper | |||
10007207 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain (synaptosome) | 22645316 | This site was described as T881 of the protein sequence in the original paper | |||
10007208 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain (synaptosome) | 22645316 | This site was described as T2942 of the protein sequence in the original paper | |||
10007350 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain (synaptosome) | 22645316 | This site was described as S2963 of the protein sequence in the original paper | |||
10007351 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain (synaptosome) | 22645316 | This site was described as S2930 of the protein sequence in the original paper | |||
10007352 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain (synaptosome) | 22645316 | ||||
10007353 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain (synaptosome) | 22645316 | This site was described as T2657 of the protein sequence in the original paper | |||
10007354 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain (synaptosome) | 22645316 | This site was described as 3S500 of the protein sequence in the original paper | |||
10007355 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain (synaptosome) | 22645316 | This site was described as S4157 of the protein sequence in the original paper | |||
10007356 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain (synaptosome) | 22645316 | This site was described as S2894 of the protein sequence in the original paper | |||
10007501 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain (synaptosome) | 22645316 | ||||
10007502 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain (synaptosome) | 22645316 | This site was described as S3890 of the protein sequence in the original paper | |||
10007503 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain (synaptosome) | 22645316 | This site was described as S4243 of the protein sequence in the original paper | |||
10007504 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain (synaptosome) | 22645316 | This site was described as T3891 of the protein sequence in the original paper | |||
10007505 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain (synaptosome) | 22645316 | ||||
10007506 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain (synaptosome) | 22645316 | This site was described as S4283 of the protein sequence in the original paper | |||
10007507 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain (synaptosome) | 22645316 | This site was described as T2285 of the protein sequence in the original paper | |||
10007508 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain (synaptosome) | 22645316 | This site was described as T3980 of the protein sequence in the original paper | |||
10007509 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain (synaptosome) | 22645316 | This site was described as T2941 of the protein sequence in the original paper | |||
10007624 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain (synaptosome) | 22645316 | This site was described as T2461 of the protein sequence in the original paper | |||
10007625 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain (synaptosome) | 22645316 | The original accession D3Z7K1 is obsolete in UniProt, with the new accession Q9QYX7 assigned; the modification site S2291 was described as S2261 in the original paper | |||
10007626 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain (synaptosome) | 22645316 | This site was described as S2953 of the protein sequence in the original paper | |||
10007627 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain (synaptosome) | 22645316 | This site was described as S3965 of the protein sequence in the original paper | |||
10007628 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain (synaptosome) | 22645316 | This site was described as S826 of the protein sequence in the original paper | |||
10007629 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain (synaptosome) | 22645316 | This site was described as S3902 of the protein sequence in the original paper | |||
10007630 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain (synaptosome) | 22645316 | ||||
10007631 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain (synaptosome) | 22645316 | This site was described as S2851 of the protein sequence in the original paper | |||
10007781 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain (synaptosome) | 22645316 | This site was described as T2809 of the protein sequence in the original paper | |||
10007782 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain (synaptosome) | 22645316 | This site was described as T3954 of the protein sequence in the original paper | |||
10007783 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain (synaptosome) | 22645316 | This site was described as S4554 of the protein sequence in the original paper | |||
10007784 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain (synaptosome) | 22645316 | This site was described as T3957 of the protein sequence in the original paper | |||
10007785 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain (synaptosome) | 22645316 | This site was described as T478 of the protein sequence in the original paper | |||
10007786 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain (synaptosome) | 22645316 | This site was described as S2261 of the protein sequence in the original paper | |||
10007787 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain (synaptosome) | 22645316 | This site was described as T2860 of the protein sequence in the original paper | |||
10007788 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain (synaptosome) | 22645316 | This site was described as S4099 of the protein sequence in the original paper | |||
10007789 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain (synaptosome) | 22645316 | This site was described as S3743 of the protein sequence in the original paper | |||
10007790 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain (synaptosome) | 22645316 | This site was described as S4530 of the protein sequence in the original paper | |||
10007923 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain (synaptosome) | 22645316 | This site was described as S2739 of the protein sequence in the original paper | |||
10007924 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain (synaptosome) | 22645316 | This site was described as S2939 of the protein sequence in the original paper | |||
10007925 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain (synaptosome) | 22645316 | This site was described as T2356 of the protein sequence in the original paper | |||
10007926 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain (synaptosome) | 22645316 | ||||
10007927 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain (synaptosome) | 22645316 | This site was described as S3030 of the protein sequence in the original paper | |||
10007928 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain (synaptosome) | 22645316 | This site was described as T4235 of the protein sequence in the original paper | |||
10008078 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain (synaptosome) | 22645316 | ||||
10008079 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain (synaptosome) | 22645316 | This site was described as T3023 of the protein sequence in the original paper | |||
10008080 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain (synaptosome) | 22645316 | This site was described as S472 of the protein sequence in the original paper | |||
10008081 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain (synaptosome) | 22645316 | This site was described as S3600 of the protein sequence in the original paper | |||
10008082 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain (synaptosome) | 22645316 | This site was described as S2284 of the protein sequence in the original paper | |||
10008083 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain (synaptosome) | 22645316 | This site was described as T3990 of the protein sequence in the original paper | |||
10008084 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain (synaptosome) | 22645316 | This site was described as T2352 of the protein sequence in the original paper | |||
10008085 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain (synaptosome) | 22645316 | This site was described as T2368 of the protein sequence in the original paper | |||
10008212 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain (synaptosome) | 22645316 | This site was described as T2451 of the protein sequence in the original paper | |||
10008213 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain (synaptosome) | 22645316 | This site was described as T2959 of the protein sequence in the original paper | |||
10008214 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain (synaptosome) | 22645316 | This site was described as T2364 of the protein sequence in the original paper | |||
10008215 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain (synaptosome) | 22645316 | This site was described as S2238 of the protein sequence in the original paper | |||
10008216 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain (synaptosome) | 22645316 | This site was described as S2892 of the protein sequence in the original paper | |||
10008217 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain (synaptosome) | 22645316 | This site was described as S3926 of the protein sequence in the original paper | |||
10008218 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain (synaptosome) | 22645316 | This site was described as T4164 of the protein sequence in the original paper | |||
10018773 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | hippocampus | 32848054 | ||||
10018774 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | hippocampus | 32848054 | ||||
10018775 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | hippocampus | 32848054 | ||||
10018776 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | hippocampus | 32848054 | ||||
10018777 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | hippocampus | 32848054 | ||||
10018778 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | hippocampus | 32848054 | ||||
10018779 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | hippocampus | 32848054 | ||||
10018780 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | hippocampus | 32848054 | ||||
10018781 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | hippocampus | 32848054 | ||||
10018782 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | hippocampus | 32848054 | ||||
10018783 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | hippocampus | 32848054 | ||||
10018784 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | hippocampus | 32848054 | ||||
10018785 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | hippocampus | 32848054 | ||||
10018786 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | hippocampus | 32848054 | ||||
10018787 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | hippocampus | 32848054 | ||||
10018788 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | hippocampus | 32848054 | ||||
10018789 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | hippocampus | 32848054 | ||||
10018790 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | hippocampus | 32848054 | ||||
10018791 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | hippocampus | 32848054 | ||||
10018792 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | hippocampus | 32848054 | ||||
10018793 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | hippocampus | 32848054 | ||||
10018794 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | hippocampus | 32848054 | ||||
10018795 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | hippocampus | 32848054 | ||||
10018796 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | hippocampus | 32848054 | ||||
10018797 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | hippocampus | 32848054 | ||||
10018798 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | hippocampus | 32848054 | ||||
10018799 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | hippocampus | 32848054 | ||||
10018800 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | hippocampus | 32848054 | ||||
10018801 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | hippocampus | 32848054 | ||||
10018802 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | hippocampus | 32848054 | ||||
10018803 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | hippocampus | 32848054 | ||||
10018804 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | hippocampus | 32848054 | ||||
10018805 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | hippocampus | 32848054 | ||||
10018806 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | hippocampus | 32848054 | ||||
10018807 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | hippocampus | 32848054 | ||||
10018808 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | hippocampus | 32848054 | ||||
10018809 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | hippocampus | 32848054 | ||||
10018810 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | hippocampus | 32848054 | ||||
10018811 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | hippocampus | 32848054 | ||||
10018812 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | hippocampus | 32848054 | ||||
10018813 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | hippocampus | 32848054 | ||||
10018814 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | hippocampus | 32848054 | ||||
10018815 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | hippocampus | 32848054 | ||||
10018816 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | hippocampus | 32848054 | ||||
10021603 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | synaptosome | 34678516 | ||||
10021604 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | synaptosome | 34678516 | ||||
10021605 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | synaptosome | 34678516 | ||||
10021606 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | synaptosome | 34678516 | ||||
10021607 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | synaptosome | 34678516 | ||||
10021608 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | synaptosome | 34678516 | ||||
10021609 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | synaptosome | 34678516 | ||||
10021610 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | synaptosome | 34678516 | ||||
10021611 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | synaptosome | 34678516 | ||||
10021612 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | synaptosome | 34678516 | ||||
10021613 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | synaptosome | 34678516 | ||||
10021614 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | synaptosome | 34678516 | ||||
10021615 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | synaptosome | 34678516 | ||||
10021616 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | synaptosome | 34678516 | ||||
10021617 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | synaptosome | 34678516 | ||||
10021618 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | synaptosome | 34678516 | ||||
10021619 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | synaptosome | 34678516 | ||||
10021620 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | synaptosome | 34678516 | ||||
10021621 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | synaptosome | 34678516 | ||||
10021622 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | synaptosome | 34678516 | ||||
10021623 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | synaptosome | 34678516 | ||||
10021624 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | synaptosome | 34678516 | ||||
10021625 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | synaptosome | 34678516 | ||||
10021701 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | synaptosome | 34678516 | ||||
10021702 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | synaptosome | 34678516 | ||||
10021703 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | synaptosome | 34678516 | ||||
10021704 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | synaptosome | 34678516 | ||||
10021705 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | synaptosome | 34678516 | ||||
10021706 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | synaptosome | 34678516 | ||||
10021707 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | synaptosome | 34678516 | ||||
10021708 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | synaptosome | 34678516 | ||||
10021709 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | synaptosome | 34678516 | ||||
10021710 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | synaptosome | 34678516 | ||||
10021711 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | synaptosome | 34678516 | ||||
10021712 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | synaptosome | 34678516 | ||||
10021713 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | synaptosome | 34678516 | ||||
10021786 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | synaptosome | 34678516 | ||||
10021787 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | synaptosome | 34678516 | ||||
10021788 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | synaptosome | 34678516 | ||||
10021789 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | synaptosome | 34678516 | ||||
10021790 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | synaptosome | 34678516 | ||||
10021791 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | synaptosome | 34678516 | ||||
10021792 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | synaptosome | 34678516 | ||||
10021793 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | synaptosome | 34678516 | ||||
10021794 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | synaptosome | 34678516 | ||||
10021795 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | synaptosome | 34678516 | ||||
10021868 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | synaptosome | 34678516 | ||||
10021869 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | synaptosome | 34678516 | ||||
10021870 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | synaptosome | 34678516 | ||||
10021871 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | synaptosome | 34678516 | ||||
10021872 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | synaptosome | 34678516 | ||||
10021968 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | synaptosome | 34678516 | ||||
10021969 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | synaptosome | 34678516 | ||||
10021970 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | synaptosome | 34678516 | ||||
10021971 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | synaptosome | 34678516 | ||||
10021972 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | synaptosome | 34678516 | ||||
10021973 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | synaptosome | 34678516 | ||||
10021974 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | synaptosome | 34678516 | ||||
10021975 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | synaptosome | 34678516 | ||||
10021976 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | synaptosome | 34678516 | ||||
10021977 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | synaptosome | 34678516 | ||||
10022027 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | synaptosome | 34678516 | ||||
10022028 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | synaptosome | 34678516 | ||||
10022029 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | synaptosome | 34678516 | ||||
10022030 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | synaptosome | 34678516 | ||||
10022031 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | synaptosome | 34678516 | ||||
10022032 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | synaptosome | 34678516 | ||||
10022033 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | synaptosome | 34678516 | ||||
10022034 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | synaptosome | 34678516 | ||||
10022104 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | synaptosome | 34678516 | ||||
10022105 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | synaptosome | 34678516 | ||||
10022106 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | synaptosome | 34678516 | ||||
10022107 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | synaptosome | 34678516 | ||||
10022108 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | synaptosome | 34678516 | ||||
10022109 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | synaptosome | 34678516 | ||||
10022158 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | synaptosome | 34678516 | ||||
10022159 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | synaptosome | 34678516 | ||||
10022160 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | synaptosome | 34678516 | ||||
10022161 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | synaptosome | 34678516 | ||||
10022210 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | synaptosome | 34678516 | ||||
10022211 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | synaptosome | 34678516 | ||||
10022212 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | synaptosome | 34678516 | ||||
10022213 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | synaptosome | 34678516 | ||||
10022275 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | synaptosome | 34678516 | ||||
10022276 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | synaptosome | 34678516 | ||||
10022277 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | synaptosome | 34678516 | ||||
10022278 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | synaptosome | 34678516 | ||||
10022279 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | synaptosome | 34678516 | ||||
10022313 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | synaptosome | 34678516 | ||||
10022314 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | synaptosome | 34678516 | ||||
10022363 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | synaptosome | 34678516 | ||||
10022364 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | synaptosome | 34678516 | ||||
10023295 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | cortex | TMG/control | 0.76980396 | 0.014441 | | |
10023296 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | cortex | TMG/control | 2.44218037 | 0.001266 | | |
10023297 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | cortex | TMG/control | 1.029125331 | 0.002066 | |
ID | Peptide Seq | Site Residue | Position in Peptide | Position in Protein | Method | Analytical Throughput | Ambiguity | Species | Sample Type | Data Source PMID | Comments |
377 | SCTAQQPATTLPEDR | T | 9 | 2859 | MS | HTP | ambiguous | mouse | brain | 16452088 | This position assignment in the protein sequence seems problematic, which has not been curated |
378 | SCTAQQPATTLPEDR | T | 10 | 2860 | MS | HTP | ambiguous | mouse | brain | 16452088 | This position assignment in the protein sequence seems problematic, which has not been curated |
379 | SPSGGLPVSTHPSK | S | 1 | 2276 | MS | HTP | ambiguous | mouse | brain | 16452088 | This position assignment in the protein sequence seems problematic, which has not been curated |
380 | SPSGGLPVSTHPSK | S | 3 | 2278 | MS | HTP | ambiguous | mouse | brain | 16452088 | This position assignment in the protein sequence seems problematic, which has not been curated |
381 | SPSGGLPVSTHPSK | S | 9 | 2284 | MS | HTP | ambiguous | mouse | brain | 16452088 | This position assignment in the protein sequence seems problematic, which has not been curated |
382 | SPSGGLPVSTHPSK | T | 10 | 2285 | MS | HTP | ambiguous | mouse | brain | 16452088 | This position assignment in the protein sequence seems problematic, which has not been curated |
383 | SPSGGLPVSTHPSK | S | 13 | 2288 | MS | HTP | ambiguous | mouse | brain | 16452088 | |
384 | QVISGISTPQYSTAR | T | 13 | 2961 | MS | HTP | ambiguous | mouse | brain | 16452088 | |
385 | NAFDYSGGTEAAVDLTSGR | S | 6 | 2915 | MS | HTP | ambiguous | mouse | brain | 16452088 | This position assignment in the protein sequence seems problematic, which has not been curated |
386 | NAFDYSGGTEAAVDLTSGR | T | 9 | 2918 | MS | HTP | ambiguous | mouse | brain | 16452088 | This position assignment in the protein sequence seems problematic, which has not been curated |
387 | NAFDYSGGTEAAVDLTSGR | T | 16 | 2925 | MS | HTP | ambiguous | mouse | brain | 16452088 | This position assignment in the protein sequence seems problematic, which has not been curated |
388 | NAFDYSGGTEAAVDLTSGR | S | 17 | 2926 | MS | HTP | ambiguous | mouse | brain | 16452088 | This position assignment in the protein sequence seems problematic, which has not been curated |
389 | SVSIPIPPEPLALDR | S | 1 | 2595 | MS | HTP | ambiguous | mouse | brain | 16452088 | This position assignment in the protein sequence seems problematic, which has not been curated |
390 | SVSIPIPPEPLALDR | S | 3 | 2597 | MS | HTP | ambiguous | mouse | brain | 16452088 | This position assignment in the protein sequence seems problematic, which has not been curated |
391 | DLSGIHTTDAITSLSALHQSQPMPR | S | 3 | 3018 | MS | HTP | ambiguous | mouse | brain | 16452088 | This position assignment in the protein sequence seems problematic, which has not been curated |
392 | DLSGIHTTDAITSLSALHQSQPMPR | T | 7 | 3022 | MS | HTP | ambiguous | mouse | brain | 16452088 | This position assignment in the protein sequence seems problematic, which has not been curated |
393 | DLSGIHTTDAITSLSALHQSQPMPR | T | 8 | 3023 | MS | HTP | ambiguous | mouse | brain | 16452088 | This position assignment in the protein sequence seems problematic, which has not been curated |
394 | DLSGIHTTDAITSLSALHQSQPMPR | T | 12 | 3027 | MS | HTP | ambiguous | mouse | brain | 16452088 | This position assignment in the protein sequence seems problematic, which has not been curated |
395 | DLSGIHTTDAITSLSALHQSQPMPR | S | 13 | 3028 | MS | HTP | ambiguous | mouse | brain | 16452088 | |
396 | DLSGIHTTDAITSLSALHQSQPMPR | S | 15 | 3030 | MS | HTP | ambiguous | mouse | brain | 16452088 | This position assignment in the protein sequence seems problematic, which has not been curated |
397 | DLSGIHTTDAITSLSALHQSQPMPR | S | 20 | 3035 | MS | HTP | ambiguous | mouse | brain | 16452088 | This position assignment in the protein sequence seems problematic, which has not been curated |
834 | TTDTCPKPTGLPLTSNMSLNLVTSADYK | S | 24 | 2452 | MS | HTP | ambiguous | mouse | brain (synaptosome) | 22645316 | This position assignment in the protein sequence seems problematic, which has not been curated |
835 | VSTGEVMDYSSKTTGPYPETR | S | 2 | 2930 | MS | HTP | ambiguous | mouse | brain (synaptosome) | 22645316 | This position assignment in the protein sequence seems problematic, which has not been curated |
905 | TTETLTDSPSSAAATSKPAILSSQVQAQAQVTTAPPLKTDSAK | S | 10 | 681 | MS | HTP | ambiguous | mouse | brain (synaptosome) | 22645316 | |
906 | TTETLTDSPSSAAATSKPAILSSQVQAQAQVTTAPPLKTDSAK | S | 16 | 687 | MS | HTP | ambiguous | mouse | brain (synaptosome) | 22645316 | This position assignment in the protein sequence seems problematic, which has not been curated |
933 | VSTGEVMDYSSKTTGPYPETR | S | 10 | 2938 | MS | HTP | ambiguous | mouse | brain (synaptosome) | 22645316 | |
934 | TTETLTDSPSSAAATSKPAILSSQVQAQAQVTTAPPLKTDSAK | T | 4 | 675 | MS | HTP | ambiguous | mouse | brain (synaptosome) | 22645316 | This position assignment in the protein sequence seems problematic, which has not been curated |
981 | TTETLTDSPSSAAATSKPAILSSQVQAQAQVTTAPPLKTDSAK | T | 6 | 677 | MS | HTP | ambiguous | mouse | brain (synaptosome) | 22645316 | This position assignment in the protein sequence seems problematic, which has not been curated |
1008 | TTETLTDSPSSAAATSKPAILSSQVQAQAQVTTAPPLKTDSAK | S | 11 | 682 | MS | HTP | ambiguous | mouse | brain (synaptosome) | 22645316 | This position assignment in the protein sequence seems problematic, which has not been curated |
1009 | TTETLTDSPSSAAATSKPAILSSQVQAQAQVTTAPPLKTDSAK | T | 32 | 703 | MS | HTP | ambiguous | mouse | brain (synaptosome) | 22645316 | |
1010 | TTETLTDSPSSAAATSKPAILSSQVQAQAQVTTAPPLKTDSAK | T | 33 | 704 | MS | HTP | ambiguous | mouse | brain (synaptosome) | 22645316 | This position assignment in the protein sequence seems problematic, which has not been curated |
1011 | TTETLTDSPSSAAATSKPAILSSQVQAQAQVTTAPPLKTDSAK | S | 8 | 679 | MS | HTP | ambiguous | mouse | brain (synaptosome) | 22645316 | This position assignment in the protein sequence seems problematic, which has not been curated |
1052 | TTETLTDSPSSAAATSKPAILSSQVQAQAQVTTAPPLKTDSAK | T | 15 | 686 | MS | HTP | ambiguous | mouse | brain (synaptosome) | 22645316 | This position assignment in the protein sequence seems problematic, which has not been curated |
1079 | VSTGEVMDYSSKTTGPYPETR | T | 3 | 2931 | MS | HTP | ambiguous | mouse | brain (synaptosome) | 22645316 | This position assignment in the protein sequence seems problematic, which has not been curated |
9986 | QQMQVTDGSSLIQTTMGDDMAESTLDFDR | T | 14 | 2020 | MS | HTP | ambiguous | mouse | hippocampus | 32848054 | |
9987 | QQMQVTDGSSLIQTTMGDDMAESTLDFDR | T | 15 | 2021 | MS | HTP | ambiguous | mouse | hippocampus | 32848054 | |
9988 | VQDASLTSSILSGASLTDSTSSATLSIPDVK | T | 17 | 2052 | MS | HTP | ambiguous | mouse | hippocampus | 32848054 | |
9989 | VQDASLTSSILSGASLTDSTSSATLSIPDVK | S | 19 | 2054 | MS | HTP | ambiguous | mouse | hippocampus | 32848054 | |
9990 | VQDASLTSSILSGASLTDSTSSATLSIPDVK | T | 20 | 2055 | MS | HTP | ambiguous | mouse | hippocampus | 32848054 | |
9991 | VQDASLTSSILSGASLTDSTSSATLSIPDVK | S | 21 | 2056 | MS | HTP | ambiguous | mouse | hippocampus | 32848054 | |
9992 | VQDASLTSSILSGASLTDSTSSATLSIPDVK | S | 22 | 2057 | MS | HTP | ambiguous | mouse | hippocampus | 32848054 | |
9993 | QISAVQPSIINLSAASSLGTPVTMDSK | S | 8 | 2702 | MS | HTP | ambiguous | mouse | hippocampus | 32848054 | |
9994 | QISAVQPSIINLSAASSLGTPVTMDSK | S | 13 | 2707 | MS | HTP | ambiguous | mouse | hippocampus | 32848054 | |
9995 | QISAVQPSIINLSAASSLGTPVTMDSK | S | 16 | 2710 | MS | HTP | ambiguous | mouse | hippocampus | 32848054 | |
9996 | QISAVQPSIINLSAASSLGTPVTMDSK | S | 17 | 2711 | MS | HTP | ambiguous | mouse | hippocampus | 32848054 | |
9997 | QISAVQPSIINLSAASSLGTPVTMDSK | T | 23 | 2717 | MS | HTP | ambiguous | mouse | hippocampus | 32848054 | |
9998 | QISAVQPSIINLSAASSLGTPVTMDSK | S | 26 | 2720 | MS | HTP | ambiguous | mouse | hippocampus | 32848054 | |
9999 | NAFDYSGGTEAAVDLTSGR | S | 6 | 2945 | MS | HTP | ambiguous | mouse | hippocampus | 32848054 | |
10000 | VSTGEVMDYSSK | S | 10 | 2968 | MS | HTP | ambiguous | mouse | hippocampus | 32848054 | |
10001 | QVISGVGISTPQYSTAR | T | 15 | 2994 | MS | HTP | ambiguous | mouse | hippocampus | 32848054 | |
10002 | DLSGIHTTDAITSLSALHQSQPMPR | T | 7 | 3052 | MS | HTP | ambiguous | mouse | hippocampus | 32848054 | |
10003 | DLSGIHTTDAITSLSALHQSQPMPR | T | 8 | 3053 | MS | HTP | ambiguous | mouse | hippocampus | 32848054 | |
10004 | DLSGIHTTDAITSLSALHQSQPMPR | T | 12 | 3057 | MS | HTP | ambiguous | mouse | hippocampus | 32848054 | |
10005 | DLSGIHTTDAITSLSALHQSQPMPR | S | 13 | 3058 | MS | HTP | ambiguous | mouse | hippocampus | 32848054 | |
10006 | DLSGIHTTDAITSLSALHQSQPMPR | S | 15 | 3060 | MS | HTP | ambiguous | mouse | hippocampus | 32848054 | |
10007 | DLSGIHTTDAITSLSALHQSQPMPR | S | 20 | 3065 | MS | HTP | ambiguous | mouse | hippocampus | 32848054 | |
10008 | AYLQGVAEDRDYMSDSEVSSTRPSR | S | 20 | 3769 | MS | HTP | ambiguous | mouse | hippocampus | 32848054 | |
10009 | SQEVTDFLAPLQTSSR | T | 13 | 4028 | MS | HTP | ambiguous | mouse | hippocampus | 32848054 | |
10010 | SQEVTDFLAPLQTSSR | S | 14 | 4029 | MS | HTP | ambiguous | mouse | hippocampus | 32848054 | |
10011 | AQEAEALDVSFGHSSSSAR | S | 16 | 4261 | MS | HTP | ambiguous | mouse | hippocampus | 32848054 | |
10012 | AQEAEALDVSFGHSSSSAR | S | 17 | 4262 | MS | HTP | ambiguous | mouse | hippocampus | 32848054 | |
10013 | TTETLTDSPSSAAATSKPAILSSQVQAQAQVTTAPPLK | T | 15 | 716 | MS | HTP | ambiguous | mouse | hippocampus | 32848054 | |
10014 | TTETLTDSPSSAAATSKPAILSSQVQAQAQVTTAPPLK | S | 16 | 717 | MS | HTP | ambiguous | mouse | hippocampus | 32848054 | |
11393 | SVSIPIPPEPLALDR | S | 1 | 2626 | MS | HTP | ambiguous | mouse | brain | 26192747 | |
10005727 | QTTANEVYR | T | 2 | 2686 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain | 16452088 | This site was described as T2656 of the protein sequence in the original paper |
10005728 | TTGPYPETR | T | 8 | 2948 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain | 16452088 | |
10005729 | VSTGEVMDYSSK | S | 2 | 2960 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain | 16452088 | This site was described as S2930 of the protein sequence in the original paper |
10006328 | TIPKSEVKVTEK | S | 5 | 2664 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain | 19458039 | This site was described as S2634 in the original paper |
10006329 | TIPKSEVKVTEK | T | 10 | 2669 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain | 19458039 | This site was described as T2639 in the original paper |
10006330 | QTTANEVYRR | T | 2 | 2686 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain | 19458039 | This site was described as T2656 in the original paper |
10006331 | VSTGEVMDYSSK | S | 2 | 2960 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain | 19458039 | This site was described as S2630 in the original paper |
10006332 | TTGPYPETRQVISGVGISTPQYSTAR | T | 8 | 2948 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain | 19458039 | |
10006333 | ITSTYEVIR | T | 2 | 3873 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain | 19458039 | |
10006407 | LAAAAPVAPTAIVTAHADAIPTVEATAAR | T | 14 | 2386 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain | 21158410 | This site was described as T2356 of the protein sequence in the original paper |
10006879 | KLPFGRSCTAQQP | S | 2851 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain | 22517741 | This position assigment in the protein sequence seems problematic, which could not be curated | |
10006880 | LTSGRVSTGEVMD | S | 2930 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain | 22517741 | This position assigment in the protein sequence seems problematic, which could not be curated | |
10006881 | TTDAITSLSALHQ | S | 7 | 3028 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain | 22517741 | |
10006882 | LEPKITSTYEVIR | S | 3874 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain | 22517741 | This position assigment in the protein sequence seems problematic, which could not be curated | |
10006883 | LMIAPVSTDNTYA | S | 3890 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain | 22517741 | This position assigment in the protein sequence seems problematic, which could not be curated | |
10006884 | GGLPVSTHPSKSH | T | 2285 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain | 22517741 | This position assigment in the protein sequence seems problematic, which could not be curated | |
10006885 | AAPVAPTAIVTAH | T | 2352 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain | 22517741 | This position assigment in the protein sequence seems problematic, which could not be curated | |
10006886 | APTAIVTAHADAI | T | 2356 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain | 22517741 | This position assigment in the protein sequence seems problematic, which could not be curated | |
10006887 | HADAIPTVEATAA | T | 2364 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain | 22517741 | This position assigment in the protein sequence seems problematic, which could not be curated | |
10006888 | MSLNLVTSADYKL | T | 2451 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain | 22517741 | This position assigment in the protein sequence seems problematic, which could not be curated | |
10006889 | TSKSHRTVVTMDE | T | 2806 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain | 22517741 | This position assigment in the protein sequence seems problematic, which could not be curated | |
10006890 | TAQQPATTLPEDR | T | 2859 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain | 22517741 | This position assigment in the protein sequence seems problematic, which could not be curated | |
10006891 | AQQPATTLPEDRF | T | 2860 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain | 22517741 | This position assigment in the protein sequence seems problematic, which could not be curated | |
10006892 | FDYSGGTEAAVDL | T | 2918 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain | 22517741 | This position assigment in the protein sequence seems problematic, which could not be curated | |
10006893 | MDYSSKTTGPYPE | T | 2941 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain | 22517741 | This position assigment in the protein sequence seems problematic, which could not be curated | |
10006894 | DYSSKTTGPYPET | T | 2942 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain | 22517741 | This position assigment in the protein sequence seems problematic, which could not be curated | |
10006895 | LSGIHTTDAITSL | T | 3023 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain | 22517741 | This position assigment in the protein sequence seems problematic, which could not be curated | |
10006896 | YLEPKITSTYEVI | T | 7 | 3873 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain | 22517741 | |
10006897 | MIAPVSTDNTYAV | T | 3891 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain | 22517741 | This position assigment in the protein sequence seems problematic, which could not be curated | |
10007078 | LQAPPTSAAQAPA | S | 488 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain | 22517741 | This position assigment in the protein sequence seems problematic, which could not be curated | |
10007079 | AELTKISLPETGL | S | 2238 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain | 22517741 | This position assigment in the protein sequence seems problematic, which could not be curated | |
10007080 | SGGLPVSTHPSKS | S | 2284 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain | 22517741 | This position assigment in the protein sequence seems problematic, which could not be curated | |
10007081 | PSVAPRSVSIPIP | S | 2596 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain | 22517741 | This position assigment in the protein sequence seems problematic, which could not be curated | |
10007082 | TMDESTSNVVTKI | S | 2815 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain | 22517741 | This position assigment in the protein sequence seems problematic, which could not be curated | |
10007083 | EVMDYSSKTTGPY | S | 2939 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain | 22517741 | This position assigment in the protein sequence seems problematic, which could not be curated | |
10007084 | ETRQVISGVGIST | S | 2953 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain | 22517741 | This position assigment in the protein sequence seems problematic, which could not be curated | |
10007085 | ISGVGISTPQYST | S | 2958 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain | 22517741 | This position assigment in the protein sequence seems problematic, which could not be curated | |
10007086 | ISTPQYSTARMTP | S | 2963 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain | 22517741 | This position assigment in the protein sequence seems problematic, which could not be curated | |
10007087 | ASSPISSISADSF | S | 3926 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain | 22517741 | This position assigment in the protein sequence seems problematic, which could not be curated | |
10007088 | EADKPYSSGSRSR | S | 4182 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain | 22517741 | This position assigment in the protein sequence seems problematic, which could not be curated | |
10007089 | GPLPPISADTRDQ | S | 4283 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain | 22517741 | This position assigment in the protein sequence seems problematic, which could not be curated | |
10007090 | AHSGPTSAGSSSV | S | 4554 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain | 22517741 | This position assigment in the protein sequence seems problematic, which could not be curated | |
10007091 | QAQAQVTTAPPLK | T | 7 | 703 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain | 22517741 | |
10007092 | VPEIPVTTQKTTD | T | 2425 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain | 22517741 | This position assigment in the protein sequence seems problematic, which could not be curated | |
10007093 | KSEVKVTEKCMDL | T | 2639 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain | 22517741 | This position assigment in the protein sequence seems problematic, which could not be curated | |
10007094 | MDVKRQTTANEVY | T | 2656 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain | 22517741 | This position assigment in the protein sequence seems problematic, which could not be curated | |
10007095 | SHRTVVTMDESTS | T | 2809 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain | 22517741 | This position assigment in the protein sequence seems problematic, which could not be curated | |
10007096 | DLSGIHTTDAITS | T | 3022 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain | 22517741 | This position assigment in the protein sequence seems problematic, which could not be curated | |
10007097 | DSEVSSTRPSRVE | T | 3740 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain | 22517741 | This position assigment in the protein sequence seems problematic, which could not be curated | |
10007148 | SKPAILSSQVQAQ | S | 693 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain | 22517741 | This position assigment in the protein sequence seems problematic, which could not be curated | |
10007149 | TGLPLTSNMSLNL | S | 2443 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain | 22517741 | This position assigment in the protein sequence seems problematic, which could not be curated | |
10007150 | PLTSNMSLNLVTS | S | 2446 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain | 22517741 | This position assigment in the protein sequence seems problematic, which could not be curated | |
10007151 | TTVRDLSGIHTTD | S | 3018 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain | 22517741 | This position assigment in the protein sequence seems problematic, which could not be curated | |
10007152 | KGTAALSSAFSLH | S | 7 | 3961 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain | 22517741 | |
10007153 | TGPYPETRQVISG | T | 7 | 2948 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain | 22517741 | |
10007200 | LPTAVSLYSPTDEQSVMQK | S | 6 | 1826 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain (synaptosome) | 22645316 | This site was described as S1796 of the protein sequence in the original paper |
10007201 | NAFDYSGGTEAAVDLTSGR | T | 9 | 2948 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain (synaptosome) | 22645316 | This site was described as T2918 of the protein sequence in the original paper |
10007202 | RQTTANEVYR | T | 3 | 2686 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain (synaptosome) | 22645316 | This site was described as T2656 of the protein sequence in the original paper |
10007203 | ITSTYEVIR | S | 3 | 3904 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain (synaptosome) | 22645316 | This site was described as S3874 of the protein sequence in the original paper |
10007204 | SCTAQQPATTLPEDR | T | 9 | 2889 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain (synaptosome) | 22645316 | This site was described as T2859 of the protein sequence in the original paper |
10007205 | QVISGVGISTPQYSTAR | S | 9 | 2988 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain (synaptosome) | 22645316 | This site was described as S2958 of the protein sequence in the original paper |
10007206 | RSQEVTDFLAPLQTSSR | S | 2 | 4016 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain (synaptosome) | 22645316 | This site was described as S3986 of the protein sequence in the original paper |
10007207 | QAPPPSQTLAAQGPPK | T | 8 | 911 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain (synaptosome) | 22645316 | This site was described as T881 of the protein sequence in the original paper |
10007208 | VSTGEVMDYSSKTTGPYPETR | T | 14 | 2972 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain (synaptosome) | 22645316 | This site was described as T2942 of the protein sequence in the original paper |
10007350 | QVISGVGISTPQYSTAR | S | 14 | 2993 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain (synaptosome) | 22645316 | This site was described as S2963 of the protein sequence in the original paper |
10007351 | VSTGEVMDYSSK | S | 2 | 2960 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain (synaptosome) | 22645316 | This site was described as S2930 of the protein sequence in the original paper |
10007352 | GTAALSSAFSLHEK | S | 6 | 3961 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain (synaptosome) | 22645316 | |
10007353 | RQTTANEVYR | T | 4 | 2687 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain (synaptosome) | 22645316 | This site was described as T2657 of the protein sequence in the original paper |
10007354 | KRPTPLEIGYSSSHLR | S | 11 | 3530 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain (synaptosome) | 22645316 | This site was described as 3S500 of the protein sequence in the original paper |
10007355 | FMGSSLGSGLGTLGNTIR | S | 5 | 4187 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain (synaptosome) | 22645316 | This site was described as S4157 of the protein sequence in the original paper |
10007356 | GIGGMKPSMSDTNLAEAGHFFYK | S | 10 | 2924 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain (synaptosome) | 22645316 | This site was described as S2894 of the protein sequence in the original paper |
10007501 | QISAVQPSIINLSAASSLGTPVTMDSK | T | 23 | 2687 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain (synaptosome) | 22645316 | |
10007502 | NQPLMIAPVSTDNTYAVSHLGSK | S | 10 | 3920 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain (synaptosome) | 22645316 | This site was described as S3890 of the protein sequence in the original paper |
10007503 | TKPTSLPISQSR | S | 9 | 4273 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain (synaptosome) | 22645316 | This site was described as S4243 of the protein sequence in the original paper |
10007504 | NQPLMIAPVSTDNTYAVSHLGSK | T | 11 | 3921 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain (synaptosome) | 22645316 | This site was described as T3891 of the protein sequence in the original paper |
10007505 | ITSTYEVIR | T | 2 | 3873 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain (synaptosome) | 22645316 | |
10007506 | AAAGPLPPISADTR | S | 10 | 4313 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain (synaptosome) | 22645316 | This site was described as S4283 of the protein sequence in the original paper |
10007507 | SPSGGLPVSTHPSK | T | 10 | 2315 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain (synaptosome) | 22645316 | This site was described as T2285 of the protein sequence in the original paper |
10007508 | LLRTTETR | T | 4 | 4010 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain (synaptosome) | 22645316 | This site was described as T3980 of the protein sequence in the original paper |
10007509 | VSTGEVMDYSSKTTGPYPETR | T | 13 | 2970 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain (synaptosome) | 22645316 | This site was described as T2941 of the protein sequence in the original paper |
10007624 | LPSPTSPLSPHSNK | T | 5 | 2491 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain (synaptosome) | 22645316 | This site was described as T2461 of the protein sequence in the original paper |
10007625 | EQPGSPHSVSGEILGQEKPTYR | S | 8 | 2291 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain (synaptosome) | 22645316 | The original accession D3Z7K1 is obsolete in UniProt, with the new accession Q9QYX7 assigned; the modification site S2291 was described as S2261 in the original paper |
10007626 | QVISGVGISTPQYSTAR | S | 4 | 2983 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain (synaptosome) | 22645316 | This site was described as S2953 of the protein sequence in the original paper |
10007627 | GTAALSSAFSLHEK | S | 10 | 3995 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain (synaptosome) | 22645316 | This site was described as S3965 of the protein sequence in the original paper |
10007628 | SQPTTPQETVTGK | S | 1 | 856 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain (synaptosome) | 22645316 | This site was described as S826 of the protein sequence in the original paper |
10007629 | NQPLMIAPVSTDNTYAVSHLGSK | S | 22 | 3932 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain (synaptosome) | 22645316 | This site was described as S3902 of the protein sequence in the original paper |
10007630 | NQPLMIAPVSTDNTYAVSHLGSK | T | 14 | 3894 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain (synaptosome) | 22645316 | |
10007631 | SCTAQQPATTLPEDR | S | 1 | 2881 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain (synaptosome) | 22645316 | This site was described as S2851 of the protein sequence in the original paper |
10007781 | TVVTMDESTSNVVTK | T | 4 | 2839 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain (synaptosome) | 22645316 | This site was described as T2809 of the protein sequence in the original paper |
10007782 | NYVLIDDIGDITK | T | 12 | 3984 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain (synaptosome) | 22645316 | This site was described as T3954 of the protein sequence in the original paper |
10007783 | GAHAHSGPTSAGSSSVPSPGQPGSPSVSK | S | 10 | 4584 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain (synaptosome) | 22645316 | This site was described as S4554 of the protein sequence in the original paper |
10007784 | GTAALSSAFSLHEK | T | 2 | 3987 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain (synaptosome) | 22645316 | This site was described as T3957 of the protein sequence in the original paper |
10007785 | SISQTVTGRPLQAPPTSAAQAPAQGLSK | T | 7 | 508 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain (synaptosome) | 22645316 | This site was described as T478 of the protein sequence in the original paper |
10007786 | EQPGSPHSVSGEISGQEKPTYR | S | 8 | 2291 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain (synaptosome) | 22645316 | This site was described as S2261 of the protein sequence in the original paper |
10007787 | SCTAQQPATTLPEDR | T | 10 | 2890 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain (synaptosome) | 22645316 | This site was described as T2860 of the protein sequence in the original paper |
10007788 | MSKFSPIQESR | S | 2 | 4129 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain (synaptosome) | 22645316 | This site was described as S4099 of the protein sequence in the original paper |
10007789 | AYLQGVAEDRDYMSDSEVSSTRPSR | S | 24 | 3773 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain (synaptosome) | 22645316 | This site was described as S3743 of the protein sequence in the original paper |
10007790 | VSLQQSPLVMSSVVEK | S | 2 | 4530 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain (synaptosome) | 22645316 | This site was described as S4530 of the protein sequence in the original paper |
10007923 | KPSSQAFPMIR | S | 4 | 2769 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain (synaptosome) | 22645316 | This site was described as S2739 of the protein sequence in the original paper |
10007924 | VSTGEVMDYSSK | S | 11 | 2969 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain (synaptosome) | 22645316 | This site was described as S2939 of the protein sequence in the original paper |
10007925 | LAAAAPVAPTAIVTAHADAIPTVEATAAR | T | 14 | 2386 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain (synaptosome) | 22645316 | This site was described as T2356 of the protein sequence in the original paper |
10007926 | TTGPYPETR | T | 8 | 2948 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain (synaptosome) | 22645316 | |
10007927 | DLSGIHTTDAITSLSALHQSQPMPR | S | 15 | 3060 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain (synaptosome) | 22645316 | This site was described as S3030 of the protein sequence in the original paper |
10007928 | TKPTSLPISQSR | T | 1 | 4265 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain (synaptosome) | 22645316 | This site was described as T4235 of the protein sequence in the original paper |
10008078 | TNADQIMISFPGIAPSITESVATKPERPQADTISTDLPISEK | S | 9 | 2169 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain (synaptosome) | 22645316 | |
10008079 | DLSGIHTTDAITSLSALHQSQPMPR | T | 8 | 3053 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain (synaptosome) | 22645316 | This site was described as T3023 of the protein sequence in the original paper |
10008080 | SISQTVTGRPLQAPPTSAAQAPAQGLSK | S | 1 | 502 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain (synaptosome) | 22645316 | This site was described as S472 of the protein sequence in the original paper |
10008081 | APFQYSEGFTAK | S | 6 | 3630 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain (synaptosome) | 22645316 | This site was described as S3600 of the protein sequence in the original paper |
10008082 | SPSGGLPVSTHPSK | S | 9 | 2314 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain (synaptosome) | 22645316 | This site was described as S2284 of the protein sequence in the original paper |
10008083 | RSQEVTDFLAPLQTSSR | T | 6 | 4020 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain (synaptosome) | 22645316 | This site was described as T3990 of the protein sequence in the original paper |
10008084 | LAAAAPVAPTAIVTAHADAIPTVEATAAR | T | 10 | 2382 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain (synaptosome) | 22645316 | This site was described as T2352 of the protein sequence in the original paper |
10008085 | LAAAAPVAPTAIVTAHADAIPTVEATAAR | T | 26 | 2398 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain (synaptosome) | 22645316 | This site was described as T2368 of the protein sequence in the original paper |
10008212 | TTDTCPKPTGLPLTSNMSLNLVTSADYK | T | 23 | 2481 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain (synaptosome) | 22645316 | This site was described as T2451 of the protein sequence in the original paper |
10008213 | QVISGVGISTPQYSTAR | T | 10 | 2989 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain (synaptosome) | 22645316 | This site was described as T2959 of the protein sequence in the original paper |
10008214 | LAAAAPVAPTAIVTAHADAIPTVEATAAR | T | 22 | 2394 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain (synaptosome) | 22645316 | This site was described as T2364 of the protein sequence in the original paper |
10008215 | ISLPETGLAPTPSSQTK | S | 2 | 2268 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain (synaptosome) | 22645316 | This site was described as S2238 of the protein sequence in the original paper |
10008216 | GIGGMKPSMSDTNLAEAGHFFYK | S | 8 | 2922 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain (synaptosome) | 22645316 | This site was described as S2892 of the protein sequence in the original paper |
10008217 | SSMASSPISSISADSFYADIDHHTSR | S | 10 | 3956 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain (synaptosome) | 22645316 | This site was described as S3926 of the protein sequence in the original paper |
10008218 | FMGSSLGSGLGTLGNTIR | T | 12 | 4194 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | brain (synaptosome) | 22645316 | This site was described as T4164 of the protein sequence in the original paper |
10018773 | VQDASLTSSILSGASLTDSTSSATLSIPDVK | S | 15 | 2050 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | hippocampus | 32848054 | |
10018774 | ISLPETGLAPTPSSQTK | S | 2 | 2268 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | hippocampus | 32848054 | |
10018775 | EQPGSPHSVSGEILGQEKPTYR | S | 8 | 2291 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | hippocampus | 32848054 | |
10018776 | SPSGGLPVSTHPSK | T | 10 | 2315 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | hippocampus | 32848054 | |
10018777 | LAAAAPVAPTAIVTAHADAIPTVEATAAR | T | 10 | 2382 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | hippocampus | 32848054 | |
10018778 | KLAAAAPVAPTAIVTAHADAIPTVEATAAR | T | 15 | 2386 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | hippocampus | 32848054 | |
10018779 | LAAAAPVAPTAIVTAHADAIPTVEATAAR | T | 22 | 2394 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | hippocampus | 32848054 | |
10018780 | SVSIPIPPEPLALDR | S | 1 | 2626 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | hippocampus | 32848054 | |
10018781 | QTTANEVYR | T | 3 | 2687 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | hippocampus | 32848054 | |
10018782 | QISAVQPSIINLSAASSLGTPVTMDSK | T | 20 | 2714 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | hippocampus | 32848054 | |
10018783 | KPSSQAFPMIR | S | 4 | 2769 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | hippocampus | 32848054 | |
10018784 | TVVTMDESTSNVVTK | T | 4 | 2839 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | hippocampus | 32848054 | |
10018785 | TVVTMDESTSNVVTK | S | 8 | 2843 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | hippocampus | 32848054 | |
10018786 | TVVTMDESTSNVVTK | T | 14 | 2849 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | hippocampus | 32848054 | |
10018787 | SCTAQQPATTLPEDR | S | 1 | 2881 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | hippocampus | 32848054 | |
10018788 | SCTAQQPATTLPEDR | T | 9 | 2889 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | hippocampus | 32848054 | |
10018789 | SCTAQQPATTLPEDR | T | 10 | 2890 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | hippocampus | 32848054 | |
10018790 | GIGGMKPSMSDTNLAEAGHFFYK | S | 8 | 2922 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | hippocampus | 32848054 | |
10018791 | NAFDYSGGTEAAVDLTSGR | T | 9 | 2948 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | hippocampus | 32848054 | |
10018792 | VSTGEVMDYSSK | S | 2 | 2960 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | hippocampus | 32848054 | |
10018793 | VSTGEVMDYSSK | S | 11 | 2969 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | hippocampus | 32848054 | |
10018794 | TTGPYPETR | T | 1 | 2971 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | hippocampus | 32848054 | |
10018795 | TTGPYPETR | T | 2 | 2972 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | hippocampus | 32848054 | |
10018796 | TTGPYPETR | T | 8 | 2978 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | hippocampus | 32848054 | |
10018797 | QVISGVGISTPQYSTAR | S | 4 | 2983 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | hippocampus | 32848054 | |
10018798 | QVISGVGISTPQYSTAR | S | 9 | 2988 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | hippocampus | 32848054 | |
10018799 | QVISGVGISTPQYSTAR | S | 14 | 2993 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | hippocampus | 32848054 | |
10018800 | YGDSTAEGDKTKPPSK | T | 11 | 3436 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | hippocampus | 32848054 | |
10018801 | TLPNPPPEEASTGTQSTYSTMGTASR | T | 1 | 3651 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | hippocampus | 32848054 | |
10018802 | DYMSDSEVSSTRPSR | T | 11 | 3770 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | hippocampus | 32848054 | |
10018803 | QTTLYLEPK | T | 3 | 3895 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | hippocampus | 32848054 | |
10018804 | NQPLMIAPVSTDNTYAVSHLGSK | S | 10 | 3920 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | hippocampus | 32848054 | |
10018805 | SSMASSPISSISADSFYADIDHHTSR | S | 2 | 3948 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | hippocampus | 32848054 | |
10018806 | SSMASSPISSISADSFYADIDHHTSR | S | 10 | 3956 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | hippocampus | 32848054 | |
10018807 | NYVLIDDIGDITK | T | 12 | 3984 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | hippocampus | 32848054 | |
10018808 | SQEVTDFLAPLQTSSR | T | 5 | 4020 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | hippocampus | 32848054 | |
10018809 | DLEPDYPTYLSSSTSSIGGISSR | S | 13 | 4151 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | hippocampus | 32848054 | |
10018810 | DLEPDYPTYLSSSTSSIGGISSR | T | 14 | 4152 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | hippocampus | 32848054 | |
10018811 | DLEPDYPTYLSSSTSSIGGISSR | S | 15 | 4153 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | hippocampus | 32848054 | |
10018812 | TKPTSLPISQSR | T | 1 | 4265 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | hippocampus | 32848054 | |
10018813 | AAAGPLPPISADTR | S | 10 | 4313 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | hippocampus | 32848054 | |
10018814 | TSVAQTHLEDAGAAIAAAEAAVQQLR | S | 2 | 4831 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | hippocampus | 32848054 | |
10018815 | SQPTTPQETVTGK | S | 1 | 856 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | hippocampus | 32848054 | |
10018816 | SQPTTPQETVTGK | T | 9 | 864 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | hippocampus | 32848054 | |
10021603 | SPSGGLPVSTHPSK | S | 9 | 2314 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | synaptosome | 34678516 | |
10021604 | LAAAAPVAPTAIVTAHADAIPTVEATAAR | T | 14 | 2386 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | synaptosome | 34678516 | |
10021605 | LAAAAPVAPTAIVTAHADAIPTVEATAAR | T | 22 | 2394 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | synaptosome | 34678516 | |
10021606 | LAAAAPVAPTAIVTAHADAIPTVEATAAR | T | 10 | 2382 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | synaptosome | 34678516 | |
10021607 | QISAVQPSIINLSAASSLGTPVTMDSK | S | 17 | 2711 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | synaptosome | 34678516 | |
10021608 | QISAVQPSIINLSAASSLGTPVTMDSK | T | 23 | 2717 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | synaptosome | 34678516 | |
10021609 | QISAVQPSIINLSAASSLGTPVTMDSK | S | 13 | 2707 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | synaptosome | 34678516 | |
10021610 | QISAVQPSIINLSAASSLGTPVTMDSK | T | 20 | 2714 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | synaptosome | 34678516 | |
10021611 | QISAVQPSIINLSAASSLGTPVTMDSK | S | 16 | 2710 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | synaptosome | 34678516 | |
10021612 | DEAPINLSLGPSTQAVTLAVTK | T | 17 | 2793 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | synaptosome | 34678516 | |
10021613 | TVVTMDESTSNVVTK | T | 4 | 2839 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | synaptosome | 34678516 | |
10021614 | TVVTMDESTSNVVTK | T | 9 | 2844 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | synaptosome | 34678516 | |
10021615 | QVISGVGISTPQYSTAR | T | 10 | 2989 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | synaptosome | 34678516 | |
10021616 | SSNGVVYSSVATPIPSTFAITTQPGSIFSTTVR | S | 1 | 3013 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | synaptosome | 34678516 | |
10021617 | SSNGVVYSSVATPIPSTFAITTQPGSIFSTTVR | S | 2 | 3014 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | synaptosome | 34678516 | |
10021618 | SSNGVVYSSVATPIPSTFAITTQPGSIFSTTVR | T | 17 | 3029 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | synaptosome | 34678516 | |
10021619 | SSNGVVYSSVATPIPSTFAITTQPGSIFSTTVR | T | 31 | 3043 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | synaptosome | 34678516 | |
10021620 | DLSGIHTTDAITSLSALHQSQPMPR | T | 7 | 3052 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | synaptosome | 34678516 | |
10021621 | DLSGIHTTDAITSLSALHQSQPMPR | T | 8 | 3053 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | synaptosome | 34678516 | |
10021622 | DLSGIHTTDAITSLSALHQSQPMPR | S | 13 | 3058 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | synaptosome | 34678516 | |
10021623 | DLSGIHTTDAITSLSALHQSQPMPR | S | 20 | 3065 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | synaptosome | 34678516 | |
10021624 | ITSTYEVIR | S | 3 | 3904 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | synaptosome | 34678516 | |
10021625 | ITSTYEVIR | T | 2 | 3903 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | synaptosome | 34678516 | |
10021701 | PAVPEIPVTTQK | T | 9 | 2455 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | synaptosome | 34678516 | |
10021702 | PAVPEIPVTTQK | T | 10 | 2456 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | synaptosome | 34678516 | |
10021703 | PTGLPLTSNMSLNLVTSADYK | T | 16 | 2481 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | synaptosome | 34678516 | |
10021704 | PTGLPLTSNMSLNLVTSADYK | S | 17 | 2482 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | synaptosome | 34678516 | |
10021705 | QISAVQPSIINLSAASSLGTPVTMDSK | S | 8 | 2702 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | synaptosome | 34678516 | |
10021706 | TVAVVTCTDTTIYTTGTESQVGIEHAVTSPLQLTTSK | T | 1 | 2722 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | synaptosome | 34678516 | |
10021707 | TVAVVTCTDTTIYTTGTESQVGIEHAVTSPLQLTTSK | T | 6 | 2727 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | synaptosome | 34678516 | |
10021708 | TVAVVTCTDTTIYTTGTESQVGIEHAVTSPLQLTTSK | T | 15 | 2736 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | synaptosome | 34678516 | |
10021709 | TVVTMDESTSNVVTK | T | 1 | 2836 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | synaptosome | 34678516 | |
10021710 | QTTLYLEPKITSTYEVIR | T | 11 | 3903 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | synaptosome | 34678516 | |
10021711 | NQPLMIAPVSTDNTYAVSHLGSK | S | 10 | 3920 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | synaptosome | 34678516 | |
10021712 | NQPLMIAPVSTDNTYAVSHLGSK | T | 14 | 3924 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | synaptosome | 34678516 | |
10021713 | AQEAEALDVSFGHSSSSAR | S | 10 | 4255 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | synaptosome | 34678516 | |
10021786 | KLAAAAPVAPTAIVTAHADAIPTVEATAAR | T | 15 | 2386 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | synaptosome | 34678516 | |
10021787 | KLAAAAPVAPTAIVTAHADAIPTVEATAAR | T | 23 | 2394 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | synaptosome | 34678516 | |
10021788 | KLAAAAPVAPTAIVTAHADAIPTVEATAAR | T | 11 | 2382 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | synaptosome | 34678516 | |
10021789 | PTGLPLTSNMSLNLVTSADYK | T | 7 | 2472 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | synaptosome | 34678516 | |
10021790 | DEAPINLSLGPSTQAVTLAVTK | S | 12 | 2788 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | synaptosome | 34678516 | |
10021791 | TVVTMDESTSNVVTK | T | 14 | 2849 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | synaptosome | 34678516 | |
10021792 | TVVTMDESTSNVVTK | S | 8 | 2843 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | synaptosome | 34678516 | |
10021793 | DLSGIHTTDAITSLSALHQSQPMPR | S | 3 | 3048 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | synaptosome | 34678516 | |
10021794 | DLSGIHTTDAITSLSALHQSQPMPR | T | 12 | 3057 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | synaptosome | 34678516 | |
10021795 | SQEVTDFLAPLQTSSR | T | 13 | 4028 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | synaptosome | 34678516 | |
10021868 | RQISAVQPSIINLSAASSLGTPVTMDSK | S | 14 | 2707 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | synaptosome | 34678516 | |
10021869 | RQISAVQPSIINLSAASSLGTPVTMDSK | S | 18 | 2711 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | synaptosome | 34678516 | |
10021870 | SSNGVVYSSVATPIPSTFAITTQPGSIFSTTVR | S | 9 | 3021 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | synaptosome | 34678516 | |
10021871 | SSNGVVYSSVATPIPSTFAITTQPGSIFSTTVR | T | 21 | 3033 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | synaptosome | 34678516 | |
10021872 | PSSVYGLDLSIK | S | 2 | 4224 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | synaptosome | 34678516 | |
10021968 | SQPTTPQETVTGK | T | 9 | 864 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | synaptosome | 34678516 | |
10021969 | QAPPPSQTLAAQGPPK | T | 8 | 911 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | synaptosome | 34678516 | |
10021970 | PTGLPLTSNMSLNLVTSADYK | S | 11 | 2476 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | synaptosome | 34678516 | |
10021971 | QTTANEVYR | T | 2 | 2686 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | synaptosome | 34678516 | |
10021972 | QTTANEVYR | T | 3 | 2687 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | synaptosome | 34678516 | |
10021973 | SCTAQQPATTLPEDR | S | 1 | 2881 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | synaptosome | 34678516 | |
10021974 | SCTAQQPATTLPEDR | T | 3 | 2883 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | synaptosome | 34678516 | |
10021975 | SCTAQQPATTLPEDR | T | 9 | 2889 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | synaptosome | 34678516 | |
10021976 | SSNGVVYSSVATPIPSTFAITTQPGSIFSTTVR | S | 8 | 3020 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | synaptosome | 34678516 | |
10021977 | QTTLYLEPK | T | 3 | 3895 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | synaptosome | 34678516 | |
10022027 | LAAAAPVAPTAIVTAHADAIPTVEATAAR | T | 26 | 2398 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | synaptosome | 34678516 | |
10022028 | PSSIPTGLVFTHRPEASKPPIAPKPAVPEIPVTTQK | T | 33 | 2455 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | synaptosome | 34678516 | |
10022029 | SCTAQQPATTLPEDR | T | 10 | 2890 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | synaptosome | 34678516 | |
10022030 | TTGPYPETR | T | 8 | 2978 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | synaptosome | 34678516 | |
10022031 | DLSGIHTTDAITSLSALHQSQPMPR | S | 15 | 3060 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | synaptosome | 34678516 | |
10022032 | TLPNPPPEEASTGTQSTYSTMGTASR | T | 1 | 3651 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | synaptosome | 34678516 | |
10022033 | ITSTYEVIR | T | 4 | 3905 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | synaptosome | 34678516 | |
10022034 | NQPLMIAPVSTDNTYAVSHLGSK | T | 11 | 3921 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | synaptosome | 34678516 | |
10022104 | LPTAVSLYSPTDEQSVMQK | S | 6 | 1826 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | synaptosome | 34678516 | |
10022105 | VSTGEVMDYSSKTTGPYPETR | S | 2 | 2960 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | synaptosome | 34678516 | |
10022106 | VSTGEVMDYSSKTTGPYPETR | T | 13 | 2971 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | synaptosome | 34678516 | |
10022107 | VSTGEVMDYSSKTTGPYPETR | T | 14 | 2972 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | synaptosome | 34678516 | |
10022108 | VSTGEVMDYSSKTTGPYPETR | T | 20 | 2978 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | synaptosome | 34678516 | |
10022109 | TTGPYPETR | T | 1 | 2971 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | synaptosome | 34678516 | |
10022158 | RQISAVQPSIINLSAASSLGTPVTMDSK | T | 24 | 2717 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | synaptosome | 34678516 | |
10022159 | NAFDYSGGTEAAVDLTSGR | T | 9 | 2948 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | synaptosome | 34678516 | |
10022160 | NAFDYSGGTEAAVDLTSGR | T | 16 | 2955 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | synaptosome | 34678516 | |
10022161 | SSNGVVYSSVATPIPSTFAITTQPGSIFSTTVR | T | 12 | 3024 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | synaptosome | 34678516 | |
10022210 | SPSGGLPVSTHPSK | T | 10 | 2315 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | synaptosome | 34678516 | |
10022211 | GIGGMKPSMSDTNLAEAGHFFYK | S | 8 | 2922 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | synaptosome | 34678516 | |
10022212 | RTLPNPPPEEASTGTQSTYSTMGTASR | T | 2 | 3651 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | synaptosome | 34678516 | |
10022213 | GTESLDHLAGLSHYYHADTSYR | S | 12 | 4074 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | synaptosome | 34678516 | |
10022275 | TTDTCPKPTGLPLTSNMSLNLVTSADYK | T | 23 | 2481 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | synaptosome | 34678516 | |
10022276 | TTDTCPKPTGLPLTSNMSLNLVTSADYK | S | 24 | 2482 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | synaptosome | 34678516 | |
10022277 | ITSTYEVIRNQPLMIAPVSTDNTYAVSHLGSK | T | 2 | 3903 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | synaptosome | 34678516 | |
10022278 | ITSTYEVIRNQPLMIAPVSTDNTYAVSHLGSK | S | 19 | 3920 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | synaptosome | 34678516 | |
10022279 | ITSTYEVIRNQPLMIAPVSTDNTYAVSHLGSK | T | 20 | 3921 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | synaptosome | 34678516 | |
10022313 | DEAPINLSLGPSTQAVTLAVTK | T | 21 | 2797 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | synaptosome | 34678516 | |
10022314 | GTESLDHLAGLSHYYHADTSYR | T | 19 | 4081 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | synaptosome | 34678516 | |
10022363 | TIELNSTVTDK | T | 7 | 1610 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | synaptosome | 34678516 | |
10022364 | TVAVVTCTDTTIYTTGTESQVGIEHAVTSPLQLTTSK | S | 29 | 2750 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | synaptosome | 34678516 | |
10023295 | PSMSDTNLAEAGHFFYK | S | 5 | 2924 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | cortex | | |
10023296 | NQPLMIAPVSTDNTYAVSHLGSK | S | 11 | 3920 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | cortex | | |
10023297 | QISAVQPSIINLSAASSLGTPVTMDSK | T | 20 | 2717 | MS | HTP | unambiguous | mouse | cortex | |