Details for Accession #: Q8WZ42

Protein Sequence

Peptide Information

ID Peptide Seq Site Residue Position in Peptide Position in Protein
10008470 TTEYVVSNLK S 7 28157
10008471 STVTIVDSK T 2 14674
10008472 EGSQLEMK S 3 1571
10010440 AEVSK S 4 10385
10013642 EGTGPIFIK T 3501
10013643 FVAEEKLSFAVPQR S 10402
10013644 VKGTDQVLVKK T 32214
10013645 AKEQETILRTR T 671
10013646 VSAVNHYGK S 21474
10013647 DGRELSADSK S 7613

O-GlcNAcylation Information

ID Method Analytical Throughput Ambiguity Species Sample Type Condition log2Ratio P Value Data Source PMID Comments
168 MS HTP ambiguous human HeLa cells ionizing radiation/control -0.781597089 2.45E-04 30379171
185 MS HTP ambiguous human HeLa cells ionizing radiation/control 0.7078594 5.05E-04 30379171
4241 MS HTP ambiguous human T cells 29351928 This position assignment in the protein sequence seems problematic, which has not been curated
10814 MS HTP ambiguous human HeLa cells 30379171
10831 MS HTP ambiguous human HeLa cells 30379171
10008470 MS HTP unambiguous human BG02 cells 25367160
10008471 MS HTP unambiguous human BG02 cells 25367160
10008472 MS HTP unambiguous human BG02 cells 25367160
10009894 MS HTP unambiguous human T cells 29351928
10009895 MS HTP unambiguous human T cells 29351928
10010440 MS HTP unambiguous human T cells 29351928
10011763 MS HTP unambiguous human HeLa cells 30059200 This position assigment in the protein sequence seems problematic, which could not be curated
10013642 MS HTP unambiguous human HeLa cells 30379171 This position assigment in the protein sequence seems problematic, which could not be curated
10013643 MS HTP unambiguous human HeLa cells 30379171 This position assigment in the protein sequence seems problematic, which could not be curated
10013644 MS HTP unambiguous human HeLa cells 30379171 This position assigment in the protein sequence seems problematic, which could not be curated
10013645 MS HTP unambiguous human HeLa cells 30379171 This position assigment in the protein sequence seems problematic, which could not be curated
10013646 MS HTP unambiguous human HeLa cells 30379171 This position assigment in the protein sequence seems problematic, which could not be curated
10013647 MS HTP unambiguous human HeLa cells 30379171 This position assigment in the protein sequence seems problematic, which could not be curated
10015898 MS HTP unambiguous human liver 31637018
10024149 MS HTP unambiguous human liver 31637018

ID Peptide Seq Site Residue Position in Peptide Position in Protein Method Analytical Throughput Ambiguity Species Sample Type Data Source PMID Comments
168 KTLILRAGVTMR MS HTP ambiguous human HeLa cells 30379171
185 FEISIDGDRHTLR MS HTP ambiguous human HeLa cells 30379171
4241 AFSTQMSINEGQR S 33976 MS HTP ambiguous human T cells 29351928 This position assignment in the protein sequence seems problematic, which has not been curated
10814 KTLILRAGVTMR MS HTP ambiguous human HeLa cells 30379171
10831 FEISIDGDRHTLR MS HTP ambiguous human HeLa cells 30379171
10008470 TTEYVVSNLK S 7 28157 MS HTP unambiguous human BG02 cells 25367160
10008471 STVTIVDSK T 2 14674 MS HTP unambiguous human BG02 cells 25367160
10008472 EGSQLEMK S 3 1571 MS HTP unambiguous human BG02 cells 25367160
10009894 VCTASNEAGSSSCSATVTVREPPSF S 10 4651 MS HTP unambiguous human T cells 29351928
10009895 VCTASNEAGSSSCSATVTVREPPSF T 18 4659 MS HTP unambiguous human T cells 29351928
10010440 AEVSK S 4 10385 MS HTP unambiguous human T cells 29351928
10011763 EAAKPKGPIKGVPKKTPSPIEAERRKLRPGS T 12007 MS HTP unambiguous human HeLa cells 30059200 This position assigment in the protein sequence seems problematic, which could not be curated
10013642 EGTGPIFIK T 3501 MS HTP unambiguous human HeLa cells 30379171 This position assigment in the protein sequence seems problematic, which could not be curated
10013643 FVAEEKLSFAVPQR S 10402 MS HTP unambiguous human HeLa cells 30379171 This position assigment in the protein sequence seems problematic, which could not be curated
10013644 VKGTDQVLVKK T 32214 MS HTP unambiguous human HeLa cells 30379171 This position assigment in the protein sequence seems problematic, which could not be curated
10013645 AKEQETILRTR T 671 MS HTP unambiguous human HeLa cells 30379171 This position assigment in the protein sequence seems problematic, which could not be curated
10013646 VSAVNHYGK S 21474 MS HTP unambiguous human HeLa cells 30379171 This position assigment in the protein sequence seems problematic, which could not be curated
10013647 DGRELSADSK S 7613 MS HTP unambiguous human HeLa cells 30379171 This position assigment in the protein sequence seems problematic, which could not be curated
10015898 TEHGYEASIAGSAIATLQK T 1 826 MS HTP unambiguous human liver 31637018
10024149 TEHGYEASIAGSAIATLQK T 826 MS HTP unambiguous human liver 31637018