Details for Accession #: Q6PFD9

Protein Sequence

Peptide Information

ID Peptide Seq Site Residue Position in Peptide Position in Protein
6679 LPISASHSSK S 6 1035
10003994 T 281
10004139 T 263
10004141 S 262
10004325 T 264
10005230 T 1092
10006487 LPISASHSSK S 4 1033
10017214 LPISASHSSK S 4 1033

O-GlcNAcylation Information

ID Method Analytical Throughput Ambiguity Species Sample Type Condition log2Ratio P Value Data Source PMID Comments
829 MS HTP ambiguous mouse brain (synaptosome) 22645316 This position assignment in the protein sequence seems problematic, which has not been curated
1005 MS HTP ambiguous mouse brain (synaptosome) 22645316
1048 MS HTP ambiguous mouse brain (synaptosome) 22645316 This position assignment in the protein sequence seems problematic, which has not been curated
1049 MS HTP ambiguous mouse brain (synaptosome) 22645316 This position assignment in the protein sequence seems problematic, which has not been curated
6679 MS HTP ambiguous mouse embryonic fibroblasts 32782141
10003994 MS HTP unambiguous mouse embryonic stem cells (ESCs) 36852467
10004139 MS HTP unambiguous mouse embryonic stem cells (ESCs) 36852467
10004141 MS HTP unambiguous mouse embryonic stem cells (ESCs) 36852467
10004325 MS HTP unambiguous mouse embryonic stem cells (ESCs) 36852467
10005230 MS HTP unambiguous mouse embryonic stem cells (ESCs) control/RA-induced differentiated 0.27897595 0.032067728 36852467
10006487 MS HTP unambiguous mouse embryonic stem cells (ESCs) 21606357 This site was described as S426 of the protein sequence in the original paper
10017214 MS HTP unambiguous mouse embryonic fibroblasts 32782141

ID Peptide Seq Site Residue Position in Peptide Position in Protein Method Analytical Throughput Ambiguity Species Sample Type Data Source PMID Comments
829 SNLFSPVNHDSEDLASPSEYPENGER S 1 1 MS HTP ambiguous mouse brain (synaptosome) 22645316 This position assignment in the protein sequence seems problematic, which has not been curated
1005 SNLFSPVNHDSEDLASPSEYPENGER S 5 5 MS HTP ambiguous mouse brain (synaptosome) 22645316
1048 SNLFSPVNHDSEDLASPSEYPENGER S 11 11 MS HTP ambiguous mouse brain (synaptosome) 22645316 This position assignment in the protein sequence seems problematic, which has not been curated
1049 SNLFSPVNHDSEDLASPSEYPENGER S 16 16 MS HTP ambiguous mouse brain (synaptosome) 22645316 This position assignment in the protein sequence seems problematic, which has not been curated
6679 LPISASHSSK S 6 1035 MS HTP ambiguous mouse embryonic fibroblasts 32782141
10003994 T 281 MS HTP unambiguous mouse embryonic stem cells (ESCs) 36852467
10004139 T 263 MS HTP unambiguous mouse embryonic stem cells (ESCs) 36852467
10004141 S 262 MS HTP unambiguous mouse embryonic stem cells (ESCs) 36852467
10004325 T 264 MS HTP unambiguous mouse embryonic stem cells (ESCs) 36852467
10005230 T 1092 MS HTP unambiguous mouse embryonic stem cells (ESCs) 36852467
10006487 LPISASHSSK S 4 1033 MS HTP unambiguous mouse embryonic stem cells (ESCs) 21606357 This site was described as S426 of the protein sequence in the original paper
10017214 LPISASHSSK S 4 1033 MS HTP unambiguous mouse embryonic fibroblasts 32782141