Details for Accession #: Q60973

Protein Sequence

Peptide Information

ID Peptide Seq Site Residue Position in Peptide Position in Protein
10006456 SISQSISGQK S 1 585
10006507 DDHTVCLWDINAGPK T 4 200

O-GlcNAcylation Information

ID Method Analytical Throughput Ambiguity Species Sample Type Condition log2Ratio P Value Data Source PMID Comments
10006456 MS HTP unambiguous mouse embryonic stem cells (ESCs) 21606357 This position assigment in the protein sequence seems problematic, which could not be curated
10006507 MS HTP unambiguous mouse embryonic stem cells (ESCs) 21606357 This site was described as T4 of the protein sequence in the original paper

ID Peptide Seq Site Residue Position in Peptide Position in Protein Method Analytical Throughput Ambiguity Species Sample Type Data Source PMID Comments
10006456 SISQSISGQK S 1 585 MS HTP unambiguous mouse embryonic stem cells (ESCs) 21606357 This position assigment in the protein sequence seems problematic, which could not be curated
10006507 DDHTVCLWDINAGPK T 4 200 MS HTP unambiguous mouse embryonic stem cells (ESCs) 21606357 This site was described as T4 of the protein sequence in the original paper