Details for Accession #: Q15714

Protein Sequence

Peptide Information

ID Peptide Seq Site Residue Position in Peptide Position in Protein
10000737 ENAVPATEGVLINK T 7 439
10000738 QNPIEVTSER T 7 459
10001569 278
10001749 439
10002937 439
10021448 460
10027158 ENAVPATEGVLINK T 7 439
10029158 ENAVPATEGVLINK T 7 439
10030111 T 439

O-GlcNAcylation Information

ID Method Analytical Throughput Ambiguity Species Sample Type Condition log2Ratio P Value Data Source PMID Comments
3499 MS HTP ambiguous human T cells 29351928
10000737 MS HTP unambiguous human brain Alzheimers disease/control 0.172555967 0.446898964 28657654
10000738 MS HTP unambiguous human brain Alzheimers disease/control 0.290193009 0.253043378 28657654
10001569 MS HTP unambiguous human HeLa cells Interphase/Mitosis 100 34161081 The p value was -log10p in original paper.
10001749 MS HTP unambiguous human HeLa cells Interphase/Mitosis -0.761450289 3.44E-04 34161081 The p value was -log10p in original paper.
10002937 MS HTP unambiguous human colorectal cancer (CRC) cell lines SW620 cells/SW480 cells -1.107687869 0.00468366 35254053
10021448 MS HTP unambiguous human HeLa cells 34161081
10027158 MS HTP unambiguous human HeLa cells 35254053
10029158 MS HTP unambiguous human SW620 cells 35254053
10030111 MS HTP unambiguous human SW480 cells, SW620 cells SW620/SW480 -1.107687869 0.00468366 35254053

ID Peptide Seq Site Residue Position in Peptide Position in Protein Method Analytical Throughput Ambiguity Species Sample Type Data Source PMID Comments
3499 TVPPQPQGVEPVAQGIVSQQLPAVSSL S 823 MS HTP ambiguous human T cells 29351928
10000737 ENAVPATEGVLINK T 7 439 MS HTP unambiguous human brain 28657654
10000738 QNPIEVTSER T 7 459 MS HTP unambiguous human brain 28657654
10001569 278 MS HTP unambiguous human HeLa cells 34161081 The p value was -log10p in original paper.
10001749 439 MS HTP unambiguous human HeLa cells 34161081 The p value was -log10p in original paper.
10002937 439 MS HTP unambiguous human colorectal cancer (CRC) cell lines 35254053
10021448 460 MS HTP unambiguous human HeLa cells 34161081
10027158 ENAVPATEGVLINK T 7 439 MS HTP unambiguous human HeLa cells 35254053
10029158 ENAVPATEGVLINK T 7 439 MS HTP unambiguous human SW620 cells 35254053
10030111 T 439 MS HTP unambiguous human SW480 cells, SW620 cells 35254053