Details for Accession #: P40425

Protein Sequence

Peptide Information

ID Peptide Seq Site Residue Position in Peptide Position in Protein
10000875 TAVSVTQGGHSR T 6 325
10001631 323
10002020 325
10002443 325
10005346 TAVSVTQGGHSR T 6 325
10016739 TAVSVTQGGHSR S 11 330
10021157 320
10031719 TAVSVTQGGHSR T 1 320
10032346 TAVSVTQGGHSR S 323
10032887 TAVSVTQGGHSR T 325

O-GlcNAcylation Information

ID Method Analytical Throughput Ambiguity Species Sample Type Condition log2Ratio P Value Data Source PMID Comments
10000875 MS HTP unambiguous human HeLa cells 20 uM GalNAz/200 uM GalNAz 7.142857143 30059200
10001631 MS HTP unambiguous human HeLa cells Interphase/Mitosis 100 34161081 The p value was -log10p in original paper.
10002020 MS HTP unambiguous human HeLa cells Interphase/Mitosis -100 34161081 The p value was -log10p in original paper.
10002443 MS HTP unambiguous human HeLa cells Mitotic exit/Early mitosis 100 34161081 The p value was -log10p in original paper.
10005346 MS HTP unambiguous human HEK 293T cells glucose-deprived/glucose-sufficient 0.59 37541260
10011247 MS HTP unambiguous human HeLa cells 30059200
10016739 MS HTP unambiguous human MCF-7 cells 32574038
10021157 MS HTP unambiguous human HeLa cells 34161081
10031719 MS HTP unambiguous human HeLa cell nucleus 35289036
10032346 MS HTP unambiguous human MCF-7 cells 35513511
10032887 MS HTP unambiguous human MCF-7 cells 35513511

ID Peptide Seq Site Residue Position in Peptide Position in Protein Method Analytical Throughput Ambiguity Species Sample Type Data Source PMID Comments
10000875 TAVSVTQGGHSR T 6 325 MS HTP unambiguous human HeLa cells 30059200
10001631 323 MS HTP unambiguous human HeLa cells 34161081 The p value was -log10p in original paper.
10002020 325 MS HTP unambiguous human HeLa cells 34161081 The p value was -log10p in original paper.
10002443 325 MS HTP unambiguous human HeLa cells 34161081 The p value was -log10p in original paper.
10005346 TAVSVTQGGHSR T 6 325 MS HTP unambiguous human HEK 293T cells 37541260
10011247 QEEANIYAVKTAVSVTQGGHSRTSSPTPPSS T 325 MS HTP unambiguous human HeLa cells 30059200
10016739 TAVSVTQGGHSR S 11 330 MS HTP unambiguous human MCF-7 cells 32574038
10021157 320 MS HTP unambiguous human HeLa cells 34161081
10031719 TAVSVTQGGHSR T 1 320 MS HTP unambiguous human HeLa cell nucleus 35289036
10032346 TAVSVTQGGHSR S 323 MS HTP unambiguous human MCF-7 cells 35513511
10032887 TAVSVTQGGHSR T 325 MS HTP unambiguous human MCF-7 cells 35513511