Details for Accession #: P02563

Protein Sequence

Peptide Information

ID Peptide Seq Site Residue Position in Peptide Position in Protein
10005760 ENQSILITGESGAGK S 4 172
10005761 ENQSILITGESGAGK S 11 179
10005762 VIQYFASIAAIGDR S 7 196
10005763 SAYLMGLNSADLLK S 9 392
10005766 KGSSFQTVSALHR S 3 644
10005767 KGSSFQTVSALHR S 4 644
10005768 LLGSLDIDHNQYK S 4 749
10005769 MVSLLQEK S 3 880
10005770 LEQQVDDLEGSLEQEK S 11 1038
10005771 ELEEISER S 6 1148
10005772 LEEAGGATSVQIEMNK S 9 1159
10005773 DLEEATLQHEATAAALR T 12 1189
10005775 LSYTQQMEDLK S 2 1308
10005776 NALAHALQSAR S 9 1336
10005777 YEESQSELESSQK S 10 1470
10005778 YEESQSELESSQK S 11 1471
10005779 VVDSLQTSLDAETR S 4 1597
10005780 VVDSLQTSLDAETR T 7 1600
10005781 VVDSLQTSLDAETR T 13 1606
10005782 LAEQELIETSER S 10 1711
10005783 EQDTSAHLER S 5 1777
10005784 ADIAESQVNK S 6 1916
10005820 VVDSLQTSLDAETR S 4 1597
10005821 LAEQELIETSER S 10 1711
10008484 TNCFVPDDKEEYVK T 1 34
10008485 VTAETENGK T 2 59
10008486 ENQSILITGESGAGK S 4 172
10008487 ENQSILITGESGAGK T 8 176
10008488 SILITGESGAGK S 8 179
10008489 ASIAAIGDR S 2 196
10008490 TVRNDNSSR S 7 241
10008491 TVRNDNSSR S 8 242
10008492 ASADTGDSGK S 2 626
10008493 PAAIPEGQFIDSR S 12 739
10008494 SAETEK S 1 843
10008495 IEDEQALGSQLQK S 9 1101
10008496 SDLTR S 1 1138
10008497 ELEEISER S 6 1148
10008498 SVNDLTSQR T 6 1273
10008499 SVNDLTSQR S 7 1274
10008500 LQTENGELSR S 9 1287
10008501 EALISQLTR S 5 1300
10008502 EALISQLTR T 8 1303
10008503 ANSEVAQWR S 3 1367
10008504 CSSLEKTK S 2 1414
10008505 CSSLEKTK S 3 1414
10008506 SNAAAAALDK S 1 1436
10008507 YEESQSELESSQK S 4 1464
10008508 YEESQSELESSQK S 6 1466
10008509 SQSELESSQK S 7 1468
10008510 SQSELESSQK S 7 1471
10008511 SQSELESSQK S 8 1471
10008512 VVDSLQTSLDAETR S 4 1597
10008513 VVDSLQTSLDAETR T 7 1600
10008514 VVDSLQTSLDAETR S 8 1601
10008515 IASEAQK S 3 1638
10008516 AVVEQTER T 6 1696
10008517 LAEQELIETSER T 9 1710
10008518 LAEQELIETSER S 10 1711
10008519 EQDTSAHLER T 4 1776
10008520 EQDTSAHLER S 5 1777
10008521 NAESVK S 4 1837
10008522 ADIAESQVNK S 6 1916

O-GlcNAcylation Information

ID Method Analytical Throughput Ambiguity Species Sample Type Condition log2Ratio P Value Data Source PMID Comments
10005760 MS LTP unambiguous rat heart 18988896
10005761 MS LTP unambiguous rat heart 18988896
10005762 MS LTP unambiguous rat heart 18988896
10005763 MS LTP unambiguous rat heart 18988896
10005764 MS LTP unambiguous rat heart 18988896
10005765 MS LTP unambiguous rat heart 18988896
10005766 MS LTP unambiguous rat heart 18988896
10005767 MS LTP unambiguous rat heart 18988896 This site was described as S645 of the protein sequence in the original paper
10005768 MS LTP unambiguous rat heart 18988896
10005769 MS LTP unambiguous rat heart 18988896
10005770 MS LTP unambiguous rat heart 18988896
10005771 MS LTP unambiguous rat heart 18988896
10005772 MS LTP unambiguous rat heart 18988896
10005773 MS LTP unambiguous rat heart 18988896
10005774 MS LTP unambiguous rat heart 18988896
10005775 MS LTP unambiguous rat heart 18988896
10005776 MS LTP unambiguous rat heart 18988896
10005777 MS LTP unambiguous rat heart 18988896
10005778 MS LTP unambiguous rat heart 18988896
10005779 MS LTP unambiguous rat heart 18988896
10005780 MS LTP unambiguous rat heart 18988896
10005781 MS LTP unambiguous rat heart 18988896
10005782 MS LTP unambiguous rat heart 18988896
10005783 MS LTP unambiguous rat heart 18988896
10005784 MS LTP unambiguous rat heart 18988896
10005820 MS LTP unambiguous rat skeletal muscles 19322778 This site was described as 'S1097'' in the original paper
10005821 MS LTP unambiguous rat skeletal muscles 19322778 This site was described as 'S1920'' in the original paper
10008484 MS HTP unambiguous rat heart 26109417 This site was described as T35 of the protein sequence in the original paper
10008485 MS HTP unambiguous rat heart 26109417 This site was described as T60 of the protein sequence in the original paper
10008486 MS HTP unambiguous rat heart 26109417 This site was described as S173 of the protein sequence in the original paper
10008487 MS HTP unambiguous rat heart 26109417 This site was described as T177 of the protein sequence in the original paper
10008488 MS HTP unambiguous rat heart 26109417 This site was described as S180 of the protein sequence in the original paper
10008489 MS HTP unambiguous rat heart 26109417 This site was described as S197 of the protein sequence in the original paper
10008490 MS HTP unambiguous rat heart 26109417
10008491 MS HTP unambiguous rat heart 26109417
10008492 MS HTP unambiguous rat heart 26109417 This site was described as S627 of the protein sequence in the original paper
10008493 MS HTP unambiguous rat heart 26109417 This site was described as S740 of the protein sequence in the original paper
10008494 MS HTP unambiguous rat heart 26109417 This site was described as S844 of the protein sequence in the original paper
10008495 MS HTP unambiguous rat heart 26109417 This site was described as S1102 of the protein sequence in the original paper
10008496 MS HTP unambiguous rat heart 26109417 This site was described as S1139 of the protein sequence in the original paper
10008497 MS HTP unambiguous rat heart 26109417 This site was described as S1149 of the protein sequence in the original paper
10008498 MS HTP unambiguous rat heart 26109417 This site was described as T1274 of the protein sequence in the original paper
10008499 MS HTP unambiguous rat heart 26109417 This site was described as S1275 of the protein sequence in the original paper
10008500 MS HTP unambiguous rat heart 26109417 This site was described as S1288 of the protein sequence in the original paper
10008501 MS HTP unambiguous rat heart 26109417 This site was described as S1301 of the protein sequence in the original paper
10008502 MS HTP unambiguous rat heart 26109417 This site was described as T1304 of the protein sequence in the original paper
10008503 MS HTP unambiguous rat heart 26109417 This site was described as S1368 of the protein sequence in the original paper
10008504 MS HTP unambiguous rat heart 26109417
10008505 MS HTP unambiguous rat heart 26109417 This site was described as S1415 of the protein sequence in the original paper
10008506 MS HTP unambiguous rat heart 26109417 This site was described as S1437 of the protein sequence in the original paper
10008507 MS HTP unambiguous rat heart 26109417 This site was described as S1465 of the protein sequence in the original paper
10008508 MS HTP unambiguous rat heart 26109417 This site was described as S1467 of the protein sequence in the original paper
10008509 MS HTP unambiguous rat heart 26109417 This site was described as S1469 of the protein sequence in the original paper
10008510 MS HTP unambiguous rat heart 26109417
10008511 MS HTP unambiguous rat heart 26109417 This site was described as S1472 of the protein sequence in the original paper
10008512 MS HTP unambiguous rat heart 26109417 This site was described as 1S598 of the protein sequence in the original paper
10008513 MS HTP unambiguous rat heart 26109417 This site was described as T1601 of the protein sequence in the original paper
10008514 MS HTP unambiguous rat heart 26109417 This site was described as S1602 of the protein sequence in the original paper
10008515 MS HTP unambiguous rat heart 26109417
10008516 MS HTP unambiguous rat heart 26109417 This site was described as T1697 of the protein sequence in the original paper
10008517 MS HTP unambiguous rat heart 26109417 This site was described as T1711 of the protein sequence in the original paper
10008518 MS HTP unambiguous rat heart 26109417 This site was described as S1712 of the protein sequence in the original paper
10008519 MS HTP unambiguous rat heart 26109417 This site was described as T1777 of the protein sequence in the original paper
10008520 MS HTP unambiguous rat heart 26109417 This site was described as S1778 of the protein sequence in the original paper
10008521 MS HTP unambiguous rat heart 26109417 This site was described as S1838 of the protein sequence in the original paper
10008522 MS HTP unambiguous rat heart 26109417 This site was described as S1917 of the protein sequence in the original paper

ID Peptide Seq Site Residue Position in Peptide Position in Protein Method Analytical Throughput Ambiguity Species Sample Type Data Source PMID Comments
10005760 ENQSILITGESGAGK S 4 172 MS LTP unambiguous rat heart 18988896
10005761 ENQSILITGESGAGK S 11 179 MS LTP unambiguous rat heart 18988896
10005762 VIQYFASIAAIGDR S 7 196 MS LTP unambiguous rat heart 18988896
10005763 SAYLMGLNSADLLK S 9 392 MS LTP unambiguous rat heart 18988896
10005764 LMATLFSTYASADTGDSGK S 7 622 MS LTP unambiguous rat heart 18988896
10005765 LMATLFSTYASADTGDSGK S 11 626 MS LTP unambiguous rat heart 18988896
10005766 KGSSFQTVSALHR S 3 644 MS LTP unambiguous rat heart 18988896
10005767 KGSSFQTVSALHR S 4 644 MS LTP unambiguous rat heart 18988896 This site was described as S645 of the protein sequence in the original paper
10005768 LLGSLDIDHNQYK S 4 749 MS LTP unambiguous rat heart 18988896
10005769 MVSLLQEK S 3 880 MS LTP unambiguous rat heart 18988896
10005770 LEQQVDDLEGSLEQEK S 11 1038 MS LTP unambiguous rat heart 18988896
10005771 ELEEISER S 6 1148 MS LTP unambiguous rat heart 18988896
10005772 LEEAGGATSVQIEMNK S 9 1159 MS LTP unambiguous rat heart 18988896
10005773 DLEEATLQHEATAAALR T 12 1189 MS LTP unambiguous rat heart 18988896
10005774 HADSVAELGEQIDNLQR S 4 1200 MS LTP unambiguous rat heart 18988896
10005775 LSYTQQMEDLK S 2 1308 MS LTP unambiguous rat heart 18988896
10005776 NALAHALQSAR S 9 1336 MS LTP unambiguous rat heart 18988896
10005777 YEESQSELESSQK S 10 1470 MS LTP unambiguous rat heart 18988896
10005778 YEESQSELESSQK S 11 1471 MS LTP unambiguous rat heart 18988896
10005779 VVDSLQTSLDAETR S 4 1597 MS LTP unambiguous rat heart 18988896
10005780 VVDSLQTSLDAETR T 7 1600 MS LTP unambiguous rat heart 18988896
10005781 VVDSLQTSLDAETR T 13 1606 MS LTP unambiguous rat heart 18988896
10005782 LAEQELIETSER S 10 1711 MS LTP unambiguous rat heart 18988896
10005783 EQDTSAHLER S 5 1777 MS LTP unambiguous rat heart 18988896
10005784 ADIAESQVNK S 6 1916 MS LTP unambiguous rat heart 18988896
10005820 VVDSLQTSLDAETR S 4 1597 MS LTP unambiguous rat skeletal muscles 19322778 This site was described as 'S1097'' in the original paper
10005821 LAEQELIETSER S 10 1711 MS LTP unambiguous rat skeletal muscles 19322778 This site was described as 'S1920'' in the original paper
10008484 TNCFVPDDKEEYVK T 1 34 MS HTP unambiguous rat heart 26109417 This site was described as T35 of the protein sequence in the original paper
10008485 VTAETENGK T 2 59 MS HTP unambiguous rat heart 26109417 This site was described as T60 of the protein sequence in the original paper
10008486 ENQSILITGESGAGK S 4 172 MS HTP unambiguous rat heart 26109417 This site was described as S173 of the protein sequence in the original paper
10008487 ENQSILITGESGAGK T 8 176 MS HTP unambiguous rat heart 26109417 This site was described as T177 of the protein sequence in the original paper
10008488 SILITGESGAGK S 8 179 MS HTP unambiguous rat heart 26109417 This site was described as S180 of the protein sequence in the original paper
10008489 ASIAAIGDR S 2 196 MS HTP unambiguous rat heart 26109417 This site was described as S197 of the protein sequence in the original paper
10008490 TVRNDNSSR S 7 241 MS HTP unambiguous rat heart 26109417
10008491 TVRNDNSSR S 8 242 MS HTP unambiguous rat heart 26109417
10008492 ASADTGDSGK S 2 626 MS HTP unambiguous rat heart 26109417 This site was described as S627 of the protein sequence in the original paper
10008493 PAAIPEGQFIDSR S 12 739 MS HTP unambiguous rat heart 26109417 This site was described as S740 of the protein sequence in the original paper
10008494 SAETEK S 1 843 MS HTP unambiguous rat heart 26109417 This site was described as S844 of the protein sequence in the original paper
10008495 IEDEQALGSQLQK S 9 1101 MS HTP unambiguous rat heart 26109417 This site was described as S1102 of the protein sequence in the original paper
10008496 SDLTR S 1 1138 MS HTP unambiguous rat heart 26109417 This site was described as S1139 of the protein sequence in the original paper
10008497 ELEEISER S 6 1148 MS HTP unambiguous rat heart 26109417 This site was described as S1149 of the protein sequence in the original paper
10008498 SVNDLTSQR T 6 1273 MS HTP unambiguous rat heart 26109417 This site was described as T1274 of the protein sequence in the original paper
10008499 SVNDLTSQR S 7 1274 MS HTP unambiguous rat heart 26109417 This site was described as S1275 of the protein sequence in the original paper
10008500 LQTENGELSR S 9 1287 MS HTP unambiguous rat heart 26109417 This site was described as S1288 of the protein sequence in the original paper
10008501 EALISQLTR S 5 1300 MS HTP unambiguous rat heart 26109417 This site was described as S1301 of the protein sequence in the original paper
10008502 EALISQLTR T 8 1303 MS HTP unambiguous rat heart 26109417 This site was described as T1304 of the protein sequence in the original paper
10008503 ANSEVAQWR S 3 1367 MS HTP unambiguous rat heart 26109417 This site was described as S1368 of the protein sequence in the original paper
10008504 CSSLEKTK S 2 1414 MS HTP unambiguous rat heart 26109417
10008505 CSSLEKTK S 3 1414 MS HTP unambiguous rat heart 26109417 This site was described as S1415 of the protein sequence in the original paper
10008506 SNAAAAALDK S 1 1436 MS HTP unambiguous rat heart 26109417 This site was described as S1437 of the protein sequence in the original paper
10008507 YEESQSELESSQK S 4 1464 MS HTP unambiguous rat heart 26109417 This site was described as S1465 of the protein sequence in the original paper
10008508 YEESQSELESSQK S 6 1466 MS HTP unambiguous rat heart 26109417 This site was described as S1467 of the protein sequence in the original paper
10008509 SQSELESSQK S 7 1468 MS HTP unambiguous rat heart 26109417 This site was described as S1469 of the protein sequence in the original paper
10008510 SQSELESSQK S 7 1471 MS HTP unambiguous rat heart 26109417
10008511 SQSELESSQK S 8 1471 MS HTP unambiguous rat heart 26109417 This site was described as S1472 of the protein sequence in the original paper
10008512 VVDSLQTSLDAETR S 4 1597 MS HTP unambiguous rat heart 26109417 This site was described as 1S598 of the protein sequence in the original paper
10008513 VVDSLQTSLDAETR T 7 1600 MS HTP unambiguous rat heart 26109417 This site was described as T1601 of the protein sequence in the original paper
10008514 VVDSLQTSLDAETR S 8 1601 MS HTP unambiguous rat heart 26109417 This site was described as S1602 of the protein sequence in the original paper
10008515 IASEAQK S 3 1638 MS HTP unambiguous rat heart 26109417
10008516 AVVEQTER T 6 1696 MS HTP unambiguous rat heart 26109417 This site was described as T1697 of the protein sequence in the original paper
10008517 LAEQELIETSER T 9 1710 MS HTP unambiguous rat heart 26109417 This site was described as T1711 of the protein sequence in the original paper
10008518 LAEQELIETSER S 10 1711 MS HTP unambiguous rat heart 26109417 This site was described as S1712 of the protein sequence in the original paper
10008519 EQDTSAHLER T 4 1776 MS HTP unambiguous rat heart 26109417 This site was described as T1777 of the protein sequence in the original paper
10008520 EQDTSAHLER S 5 1777 MS HTP unambiguous rat heart 26109417 This site was described as S1778 of the protein sequence in the original paper
10008521 NAESVK S 4 1837 MS HTP unambiguous rat heart 26109417 This site was described as S1838 of the protein sequence in the original paper
10008522 ADIAESQVNK S 6 1916 MS HTP unambiguous rat heart 26109417 This site was described as S1917 of the protein sequence in the original paper