Details for Accession #: P00507

Protein Sequence

Peptide Information

ID Peptide Seq Site Residue Position in Peptide Position in Protein
10000423 VGASFLQR S 4 143
10008559 ASAELALGENSEVLK S 2 109
10008560 FVTVQTISGTGALR S 8 133
10008561 VGASFLQR S 4 143
10008564 IAATILTSPDLR T 4 329
10008815 VGASFLQR S 4 143

O-GlcNAcylation Information

ID Method Analytical Throughput Ambiguity Species Sample Type Condition log2Ratio P Value Data Source PMID Comments
10000269 MS HTP unambiguous rat cardiac mitochondria TMG/control 0.583000052 26446791 Relative site occupancy ratios (ROR)' described in the original paper have been used as FC to calculate log2FC shown here.
10000423 MS HTP unambiguous rat heart diabetic/control -0.581391106 27213235 Relative site occupancy ratios (ROR)' described in the original paper have been used as FC to calculate log2FC shown here.
10008559 MS HTP unambiguous rat heart (mitochondria) 26446791
10008560 MS HTP unambiguous rat heart (mitochondria) 26446791
10008561 MS HTP unambiguous rat heart (mitochondria) 26446791
10008562 MS HTP unambiguous rat heart (mitochondria) 26446791
10008563 MS HTP unambiguous rat heart (mitochondria) 26446791
10008564 MS HTP unambiguous rat heart (mitochondria) 26446791
10008815 MS HTP unambiguous rat heart (mitochondria) 27213235

ID Peptide Seq Site Residue Position in Peptide Position in Protein Method Analytical Throughput Ambiguity Species Sample Type Data Source PMID Comments
10000269 FVTVQTISGTGALR S 133 MS HTP unambiguous rat cardiac mitochondria 26446791 Relative site occupancy ratios (ROR)' described in the original paper have been used as FC to calculate log2FC shown here.
10000423 VGASFLQR S 4 143 MS HTP unambiguous rat heart 27213235 Relative site occupancy ratios (ROR)' described in the original paper have been used as FC to calculate log2FC shown here.
10008559 ASAELALGENSEVLK S 2 109 MS HTP unambiguous rat heart (mitochondria) 26446791
10008560 FVTVQTISGTGALR S 8 133 MS HTP unambiguous rat heart (mitochondria) 26446791
10008561 VGASFLQR S 4 143 MS HTP unambiguous rat heart (mitochondria) 26446791
10008562 DVFLPKPSWGNHTPIFR S 8 161 MS HTP unambiguous rat heart (mitochondria) 26446791
10008563 ILIRPLYSNPPLNGAR S 8 317 MS HTP unambiguous rat heart (mitochondria) 26446791
10008564 IAATILTSPDLR T 4 329 MS HTP unambiguous rat heart (mitochondria) 26446791
10008815 VGASFLQR S 4 143 MS HTP unambiguous rat heart (mitochondria) 27213235