Details for Accession #: O75391

Protein Sequence

Peptide Information

ID Peptide Seq Site Residue Position in Peptide Position in Protein
10014895 LRQSGEELPPTS S 12 227
10033181 QSGEELPPTS T 9 226
10037110 QSGEELPPTS 227
10037237 QSGEELPPTS 227
10037485 LRQSGEELPPTS 227

O-GlcNAcylation Information

ID Method Analytical Throughput Ambiguity Species Sample Type Condition log2Ratio P Value Data Source PMID Comments
10014895 MS HTP unambiguous human HeLa cells None 31373491
10033181 MS HTP unambiguous human Jurkat cells None 35705054
10037110 MS HTP unambiguous human HepG2 cells None 30620550
10037237 MS HTP unambiguous human HEK 293T cells TMG/control None 30620550 Peptide quantification value was applied to each modification site
10037485 MS HTP unambiguous human HepG2 cells orafenib sensitive/resistant None 30620550 Peptide quantification value was applied to each modification site

ID Peptide Seq Site Residue Position in Peptide Position in Protein Method Analytical Throughput Ambiguity Species Sample Type Data Source PMID Comments
10014895 LRQSGEELPPTS S 12 227 MS HTP unambiguous human HeLa cells 31373491
10033181 QSGEELPPTS T 9 226 MS HTP unambiguous human Jurkat cells 35705054
10037110 QSGEELPPTS 227 MS HTP unambiguous human HepG2 cells 30620550
10037237 QSGEELPPTS 227 MS HTP unambiguous human HEK 293T cells 30620550 Peptide quantification value was applied to each modification site
10037485 LRQSGEELPPTS 227 MS HTP unambiguous human HepG2 cells 30620550 Peptide quantification value was applied to each modification site