Details for Accession #: O43524

Protein Sequence

Peptide Information

ID Peptide Seq Site Residue Position in Peptide Position in Protein
10001400 418
10006139 SSSFPYTTK S 1 411
10006140 DLLTSDSLSHS T 4 475
10006141 DLLTSDSLSHS S 5 476
10006142 DLLTSDSLSHS S 11 482
10012578 QASSQSWVPG S 666
10026105 SSSFPYTTK T 8 418
10033701 SSSFPYTTK T 8 418

O-GlcNAcylation Information

ID Method Analytical Throughput Ambiguity Species Sample Type Condition log2Ratio P Value Data Source PMID Comments
10001400 MS HTP unambiguous human HeLa cells Interphase/Mitosis 100 34161081 The p value was -log10p in original paper.
10006137 MS LTP unambiguous human PANC-1 cells 29301793
10006138 MS LTP unambiguous human PANC-1 cells 29301793
10006139 MS LTP unambiguous human PANC-1 cells 29301793
10006140 MS LTP unambiguous human PANC-1 cells 29301793
10006141 MS LTP unambiguous human PANC-1 cells 29301793
10006142 MS LTP unambiguous human PANC-1 cells 29301793
10006143 MS LTP unambiguous human PANC-1 cells 29301793
10012578 MS HTP unambiguous human HeLa cells 30379171
10026105 MS HTP unambiguous human HeLa cells 35254053
10033701 MS HTP unambiguous human HEK 293T cells glucose-deprived/glucose-sufficient 0.9 37541260

ID Peptide Seq Site Residue Position in Peptide Position in Protein Method Analytical Throughput Ambiguity Species Sample Type Data Source PMID Comments
10001400 418 MS HTP unambiguous human HeLa cells 34161081 The p value was -log10p in original paper.
10006137 DDSPSQLSKWPGSPTSRSS S 3 284 MS LTP unambiguous human PANC-1 cells 29301793
10006138 DDSPSQLSKWPGSPTSRSSDEL S 5 286 MS LTP unambiguous human PANC-1 cells 29301793
10006139 SSSFPYTTK S 1 411 MS LTP unambiguous human PANC-1 cells 29301793
10006140 DLLTSDSLSHS T 4 475 MS LTP unambiguous human PANC-1 cells 29301793
10006141 DLLTSDSLSHS S 5 476 MS LTP unambiguous human PANC-1 cells 29301793
10006142 DLLTSDSLSHS S 11 482 MS LTP unambiguous human PANC-1 cells 29301793
10006143 ALSNSVSNMGLSESSSLGSAK S 3 551 MS LTP unambiguous human PANC-1 cells 29301793
10012578 QASSQSWVPG S 666 MS HTP unambiguous human HeLa cells 30379171
10026105 SSSFPYTTK T 8 418 MS HTP unambiguous human HeLa cells 35254053
10033701 SSSFPYTTK T 8 418 MS HTP unambiguous human HEK 293T cells 37541260